The revenue generated from the adverts on the site is a critical part of our funding - and it's because of these ads that I can offer the site for free.
But using the site for free AND blocking the ads doesn't feel like a great thing to do, which is why this box is so large and inconvenient.
Some sites will completely block your access, but I'm not doing that - I'm appealing to your good nature instead.
Did you know that you can allow ads for specific sites, whilst still blocking them on others?
I did enjoy the three recorded contributions: both Autumnleaves and DeeGee speak in terms that almost all runners will relate to, while Corrah may know something of Foxy's [fetchie multi-Mara runner & event organiser] trademark aeroplane celebration.
Autumnleaves must have heard so much from injured runners on the lines of 'How soon can I run again?' and the insight she's gained can be usefully passed on.
What DeeGee didn't mention is his significant contribution to supporting training, running and races in his local area. Life after the 100 Marathon target! I fully agree with tracking down those little victories.
Just listen to episode 10, really enjoying the podcast.
Great to hear AL and Deegee, both who I have met
Fetch comment about talking to yourself while racing, hit home with me.
I am well known in my running club for talking to myself during a race.
A 'well done' if hitting a pace at a particular mile marker
Towards the end of the race I do get a bit louder and my language get a bit "potty mouth", which I have apologised several times to other runners
During the last mile of a HM, my favourite sayings including 'this is what all the training is about, the last mile' and 'Come on, is that all you got!'
I have learned that if I am not talking/shouting to myself, I am not having a good race
lol, FML, I do that as well. Especially the sweary bits. There is a video of me finishing Roma marathon in which you don't need to be an expert at lipreading to make out a rather strong four-letter word on repeat.
I'm off out for a run because I've got the latest episode to finish. I guess I must be one of the international subscribers - I'm on a gap yesr in the US and have to be a bit creative on finding WiFi (libraries and supermarkets work well).
Hola! Soy Trin y vivo en Espana So I'm one of the Internationals, but only in an expat way.
Thank you both so much for the shout out, and if I can show any other fetchie, or even just someone visiting fetch, that it's possible to recover from ME and have an active life then that would make me even happier than I am for being well myself (if that makes sense)
Another really enjoyable listen. Happy tenth anniversary.
I usually listen on the commute from work, so I am an international listener for about 200 yards while I nip into and then out of the Republic of Ireland.
I have had to have a bit of a lie down in an ambulance at the end of a race. I’ve also made a St. John’s ambulance cadet swear and slumped a sweaty brow against the comfy bosom of the mayor of Hyde.
Other than that - no real excitement at the end of races.
I was interested to hear about the hill reps. Did you do them together, or just do your own thing? I used to do hill sessions with a training partner and we tried a few different ways of doing the session so that we both worked hard, at our own level, but were able to help each other with the session - which was really useful by the 6th or 7th go when it would have been easy to start flagging.
Loved episode 10, hugely insightful segments from AL and DeeGee. I don't do anything at the end of races these days, but my parents love to remind me that, as a child in my very first sprint (35m) in my very first sports day, the teachers put out a tape for the winner to run through at the finish, but I had never seen that before and I panicked and jumped it instead. I still have the certificate for my 1st place Funnily enough I don't see many finishing tapes in my adult life but, if I ever see another, I'll have a go at jumping that one too.
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1) find somewhere with minimal background noise 2) recording on a smartphone is fine 3) start with "Hello Fetchies, it's..." 4) a couple of minutes is a good length 5) don't worry about ums, aahs and pauses. We can edit them out. 6) email the file to
Episode 93: The Christmas Poem
Episode 92: The Office Party - Without Further Ado
Featured Fetchies: Linds, Fleecy, Dipps and TeeBee and the mystery of what's in the bag (37:10) Two vVMLM experiences from Fizz (40:00) and Gimmemedals (44:20)
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