Save the FetchEveryone Podcast! (volunteers needed) :-)

17 watchers
Feb 2022
11:43am, 16 Feb 2022
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Just checking in to this new thread, with the offer of editing.

And possibly contributing some original intro/outro music.

But definitely no singing or playing the guitar.
Feb 2022
9:48am, 19 Feb 2022
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Fetchie GordonG used to do a running podcast. I haven't tagged him because I have no idea of his current circumstances and whether he would even be interested but he probably has some of the right skills.

For my sins I am also a volunteer host on another podcast and have some experience of paid work producing podcasts for other organisations too. They take up a huge amount of time and a lot will not get the listenership to justify the amount of work (especially when it's not done by volunteers.)

The one I am a volunteer host for has been running for 4 seasons and we are about to start series 5. We are reducing the number of episodes because we feel we are starting to go over old ground. If you are looking at keeping it going as a monthly podcast rather than weekly that might be a way forward but weekly or fortnightly - I would suggest - is probably going to be much harder work than you think.

I'm not trying to be negative here and I would be happy to help if I could but I know I'd struggle to find the time to make it a regular commitment. But I will keep an eye on the thread and what happens because I would love to be useful to such a project if I could be.
Feb 2022
12:26pm, 19 Feb 2022
41,516 posts
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Quick update - thanks everyone who has shown interest. We're not going to do anything for the mo. Fetch and Katie are just having acting about how they want things to proceed. No rush. Take care everyone. :-) G
Feb 2022
12:27pm, 19 Feb 2022
41,517 posts
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*a think - sorry on phone.
Feb 2022
12:29pm, 19 Feb 2022
42,541 posts
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đź‘Ť we shall await further updates thanks G.
Feb 2022
12:35pm, 19 Feb 2022
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I would completely understand if Ian and Katie weren’t comfortable with something going out under the Fetcheveryone brand that they didn’t have 100% control of and that would mean them having to listen to everything before it went out which, although less time consuming than producing the podcast from start to finish, would still represent a large time commitment.

I wonder if a line should be drawn under the Fetcheveryone podcast and, if people want to produce something, a new one started that isn’t branded as the FE podcast.
Feb 2022
1:14pm, 19 Feb 2022
42,546 posts
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I wonder if a line should be drawn under the Fetcheveryone podcast and, if people want to produce something, a new one started that isn’t branded as the FE podcast.

Absolutely How Far, but I think that the whole thought of this is to help promote FE to the wider audience by keeping the podcast going in some form rather than starting a new one with no reflection of where it started from.
Feb 2022
1:24pm, 19 Feb 2022
14,361 posts
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Of course. I’d hope that any ongoing podcast had a sentence or two very similar to the ones which came at the start of the FE podcast to promote the site.
Feb 2022
6:41pm, 20 Feb 2022
41,521 posts
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I know what you're saying HowFar. And will completely accept if that's what Fetch and Katie want. Was just offering to try and round up volunteers to keep things going. Maybe even temporarily. Whatever they want. Like I say, entirely up to them. Just here for them if useful and wanted! :-) G
Feb 2022
7:09pm, 20 Feb 2022
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As BBL kindly mentioned I did a monthly podcast for a couple of years a while back, along with Kevski. But we stopped because... it takes up so much time!! I empathise completely with Fetch and Katie and I'm impressed they were able to do so many.

Unfortunately I'm not in a position to get involved in any meaningful way with any Fetch Podcast 2.0, but the only advice I'd give at this stage would be to consider whether a 2- or 3-weekly (or even monthly) podcast would be more realistic.

Good luck

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About This Thread

As you may have seen on main Podcast thread, Fetch and Katie have sadly had to hang up their microphones, as recording AND editing and uploading Podcast every week was taking up too much time.

Fetch and Katie have been heartily thanked and everyone fully understands. heart

But... nooooo! We love the podcast. Is there any chance we could keep it going with the Fetch Family?

Any volunteers for editing and uploading...

Month - - - Guest Editor
March - HappyG
April - ?
May -

June -

July -

August -

September -

October -

November -

December -

Let's make it happen! :-) G

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