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Re paths & fields … my thoughts 1) Check with OS map that it really is a Right of Way – not just a permissive or other path 2) Report to the council 'asking for advice' rather than 'complaining' … the owner has a duty to ensure the path is maintained and usable … if there’s animal problems etc, they shouldn’t be in that field The Wilts CC footpath people I’ve met* have all been chatty and friendly, and they acknowledge they have difficult ‘customers’, but also say it’s mainly an educating role, and jointly helping solve perceived problems, whether with the landowner or walker. They also do a lot of crop/path spraying to ‘help’ the farmer as they take on the responsibility of path marking & clearing. *They also run some of the community self tidy sessions (like the copse next to my house). That’s where I’ve met them, not because of footpath issues. Except once, when it was at a formal inquiry/appeal to a council ruling on Right of Way. 3) Electric Fences? Are you sure there wasn’t a connector nearby to unlatch? I’ll try and take a pic of one next time I see one.
It does get a bit like that curved wire & loop and buzzer game, except it’s you and a shock, not a buzzer. Makes it slightly more stressy. But more amusing for spectators.
I've just listened while running reports. Another great episode - thank you. RFJ and chunkywizard sounded as though they could have sat and chatted for hours Lovely to hear your voice and those birds, Moodle xx Hope your calf improves this week, Fetch.
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Episode 93: The Christmas Poem
Episode 92: The Office Party - Without Further Ado
Featured Fetchies: Linds, Fleecy, Dipps and TeeBee and the mystery of what's in the bag (37:10) Two vVMLM experiences from Fizz (40:00) and Gimmemedals (44:20)
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