Jan 2019
8:16am, 9 Jan 2019
33,664 posts
I never use cruise control, and prefer a manual to an automatic as I prefer to be in control. It would be nice to have an auto when stuck in a long traffic jam, though.
I’ve known and seen plenty of girl racers - they scare me more than the boys (who think they are racing drivers) because they generally appear to have no awareness of how dangerously they are driving, or the mechanical and physical limits of their behicle.
Jan 2019
11:44am, 9 Jan 2019
25,257 posts
It's the ' not being fully in control' thing with me and ACC too, Dio.
Jan 2019
12:09pm, 9 Jan 2019
11,454 posts
I'd argue driving an auto effectively, to over come the inherent inefficiency of a Borg is a much more nuanced thing than clutch control. But i accept that 99% of people who drive an auto have no idea that this is even a thing.
Cruise control, in a contra flow is great !
Jan 2019
12:57pm, 9 Jan 2019
6,278 posts
Don't get to use my Cruise Control too often as my commute is too stop/start to warrant it.
But it's great when I get the chance to
My mechanic lives in the same street as me. So when the MOT is due or I'm having issues, I drop it outside his house and he takes it to work. Pick it up off his driveway later, have a chat and pay the fella.
It's a great system
Jan 2019
11:33pm, 17 Jan 2019
14,628 posts
Angus Clydesdale
Jan 2019
7:28am, 18 Jan 2019
19,500 posts
Lizzie W
*sucks teeth, whistles*
Jan 2019
8:43am, 18 Jan 2019
4,884 posts
Northern Exile
What's going on there Angus? That's a crank pulley correct? I can see that the the lugs on the front pulley have sheared, what is that? An air con pulley?
Jan 2019
9:57am, 18 Jan 2019
14,629 posts
Angus Clydesdale
It’s the torsional vibration damper which has sheared off the front of the crank pulley (Discovery2 TD5). Bloody lucky it didn’t fly around the engine bay, also didn’t smash through the radiator, or damage any of the pipework (of which there is much: cooling system, intercooler, oil etc.
Parts (~£200!!) should arrive today and I’ve managed to borrow a MASSIVE torque wrench to attempt to apply the required 340 lb-ft when replacing the pulley bolt.
I’ll let you know how it goes.
Jan 2019
10:05am, 18 Jan 2019
4,885 posts
Northern Exile
Ah, gottit. That's some blinking torque wrench, I think mine maxes out at around 200lb/ft. Must be over a metre long!
Jan 2019
10:19am, 18 Jan 2019
14,631 posts
Angus Clydesdale
Yep! 1.45m, 1" drive. It’s a bit of a beast.
My biggest concern is the temperature. It’s still -2deg outside and I’m a bit worried about snapping something off.