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Once-familiar cars you have seen out and about

3 watchers
Jul 2020
4:20pm, 13 Jul 2020
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Yep. My dad was quite handy, I think you had to be with cars in those days, and replaced the sills on both sides. He also sprayed some sort of concrete mixture into bottom of the front wings to stop those rusting through. This did nothing for the woeful power-to-weight ratio, but it went downhill alright!
Jul 2020
4:27pm, 13 Jul 2020
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Wriggling Snake
Indeed, they cruised around like a canal boat. My mum put her foot straight through the floor, so my dad just filled it in, he coaxed it along for about 3 years, the body work was more filler than original...he then went mad and bought his Cortina!

Mind you that was Yellow at that start, in the end it had one white door, one blue and a white bonnet!
Jul 2020
4:38pm, 13 Jul 2020
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And bench seats, madness (ours was an automatic so there wasn't a gear stick). When i was small I'd sit in the middle between mum and dad.

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Maintained by ChrisHB
Hillman Minx ca. 1961

Jaguar XJ6 (D-reg, 1966)
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