Jul 2018
6:26pm, 11 Jul 2018
831 posts
Little Miss Happy
LD - that is very hurtful and obviously she knows which buttons to push. I hope that she feels, and behaves, better soon.
Jul 2018
8:00pm, 11 Jul 2018
14,877 posts
I'm sorry LD. You have every right to be hurt though, you don't have to not feel it just because she's old, sick and a bit confused.
It does sound like she needed to be in hospital for rehydration therapy.
It's nothing like as bad, but I'm trying to sort out MiL's medication. She hasn't got the hang of dossett boxes so I'm going to order her an electronic one. However, she's running out. A pharmacy has been delivering it but she's only got enough left until Sunday. I call the pharmacy. It's not automatic, she rings up to reorder it. Me: oh, that's surprising. We set up automatic repeats with her surgery ages ago and I'm sure she isn't able to remember to call up each month. Them: actually the last time we issued her prescription was last December. Must be another pharmacy. We have never done hers in dossett boxes anyway. I ring off and check with MiL and check the pharmacy labels on the current box. Call them back. Me: it's definitely you. The presciption was issued by your pharmacy, and MiL doesn't call up, she says the medication just arrives. Them: oh yeah, we did the dossett boxes as a one off but we gave her son the repeat prescription and told him that he'd have to take it into another pharmacy in town to set it up. I rang Mr Carp: Nope, no such thing.
Me: FFS. *rings surgery* Them: Oh, we can't issue any repeats until MiL has had a medication review. Me: Can I book one? Them: No, you have to ring up at 8am for an on-the-day appointment. Me: Can you issue a week's worth in case I can't get her in tomorrow or Friday? Them: No.
Jul 2018
8:04pm, 11 Jul 2018
9,552 posts
That's shocking. I guess not surprising, but shocking
Jul 2018
8:06pm, 11 Jul 2018
14,879 posts
She's in such a muddle with the medication that she's been taking mints because they're round and white.
Jul 2018
8:10pm, 11 Jul 2018
9,554 posts
When my mother was at her most confused with a UTI, I had to stop her eating the napkin with her hospital lunch one day. She has bad days with the dossett box sometimes - panicking because she thinks she's missed a set of tabs ,when she hasn't.
Jul 2018
8:59pm, 11 Jul 2018
1,766 posts
Minnie Mad
That made me smile. My Mum loved new potatoes slathered in butter. I don't just mean a bit melted on, more like huge lumps with each potato! Near the end I arrived at hospital to find her tucking into some potatoes and what she clearly thought was butter but was a pot of vanilla ice cream. But she really enjoyed it so I never said anything!
Jul 2018
9:02pm, 11 Jul 2018
6,786 posts
Had the issues with doctors today with my mym today. She is not well, hurts all over back and had a nasty cough last night. Am worried it might be her chest. She said she was going to doctors this morning with my foster sister. Rang her this afternoon to see how she got on and didn't go - foster sister was at dentist. Called doctors for an appointment or visit and was told (this was 2pm) that emergency appointments were issued after 4 and that they would get dr's to call me. I called back after 4 to ask for appointment and was told no she is on dr's list. Dr called at 6.30pm after surgery had finished and said too late for house visit and call 111 if needed or bring her up tomorrow morning. 88 yrs old and they are happy to leave her. Made me very cross
Hate seeing her poorly and it seems to be one thing after another at the moment nd she doesn't cope well.
Jul 2018
9:08pm, 11 Jul 2018
30,272 posts
Lip Gloss
Oh dear LD that must be hurtful but you have to be there for her. Hopefully she will start to feel better again soon. I think the older they get the more they think they can say what they like.
I phoned my dad tonight to discover he only got of hospital yesterday. I did fall out with him as the hospital did ask if they should contact family and he said no cause "what could they do" and proceeds to tell me he thought he was going to die the afternoon he was taken in. I did ask who was going to tell us if he had and he said "Oh I'm sure my neighbour would phone you" - what can you do. He now says someone was in today asking what help he needed but he told them he didn't need any bit hopefully one look at the state of the place will be enough to tell them he does need help
Jul 2018
9:13pm, 11 Jul 2018
23,154 posts
Does he have an alarm fob thing LG? At least if that went off, someone would have to notify the next of kin?
Jul 2018
9:22pm, 11 Jul 2018
30,273 posts
Lip Gloss
No he doesn't have anything cause he won't let anyone think he needs anything. I fell out with tonight for being so nasty to people who are trying to help him including the doctors in the hospital but he thinks he knows it all and it's like he thinks he is superior. I actually dread to think how he acts. My sister has just had a text from his neighbour who got so much abuse from holiday that she just left. She is our lifeline to him and sadly that may come to an end pretty soon.:-(