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Elderly parents or relatives to care for and/or worry about? This is the place for you.

1 lurker | 149 watchers
Jul 2018
8:58am, 12 Jul 2018
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MIL's GP decided that the blood test she had yesterday was an emergency, and he phoned early this morning to say there was a significant sodium deficiency. He's trying to get her into hospital today. The sodium thing apparently is a known possibility for the combination of illnesses and drugs.

Of course we feel a bit bad as we cook salt-free apart from bread or when salt is a feature of a recipe, and assume that processed food we buy has plenty in it.
Jul 2018
9:18am, 12 Jul 2018
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My Mum has a low sodium level, and is delighted that she can throw salt on everything!

In the last year or so before she died, my MiL thought she was coping really well. She used to get really annoyed with OH and his brother going on at her about not being able to look after herself. Shopping and cleaning were being done, so she assumed she was doing it herself, but in fact her carers were actually doing it all.
Jul 2018
11:27am, 12 Jul 2018
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Well mum has a kidney infection. Still angry at the Drs
Jul 2018
12:00pm, 12 Jul 2018
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Oh no Chris and Mandy :(

I might have finally got MiL's medications sorted out. After another round with a different person from the surgery saying that she can't have an OTD appointment because medication reviews aren't an emergency (I realise that, but this is what I was told to do yesterday) and they can issue the prescription without an appointment (opposite to what I was told yesterday) but I can't request it over the phone, the pharmacy has to do it electronically. I book a review for next week, earliest they have is Wednesday.
So I call the new pharmacy, who have never heard of MiL, they ring the surgery who tells them they can't issue a prescription without a review.

So I ring the surgery back. Point out we have booked one. Ok, but pharmacy still has to request the medication.

Ring pharmacy. Give them a list of MiL's meds and doses (because of course it makes sense to have a random relative do this instead of the surgery).
Pharmacist is very helpful and says she will endeavour to get it done by Saturday if I can come and collect it.

Just have to hope the surgery doesn't decide it can't be done again.

MiL hasn't ordered her own repeats since last year when we set it up with the surgery as an automatic repeat and delivery with the local pharmacy. The problem seems to be that the local one has refused to do dossett boxes, we don't know who they told, but they then sent 4 weeks' worth anyway leading us and the surgery to think it was sorted out.
Jul 2018
1:58pm, 12 Jul 2018
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Good heavens Carp that is a load of sh!te, isn't it. Everything seems to be so disorganized and haphazard. A friend's husband fell downstairs on Saturday and it now transpires, has badly broken his big toe, but the pushing around from pillar to post to get it checked out was quite unnecessary. OK, a broken big toe is not life-threatening, but no-one on the left hand seems to know what the right hand is doing. :-(

Hope your MiL and Mum get sorted out now Chris and MM.
Jul 2018
3:26pm, 12 Jul 2018
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In East Germany there used (I've read) to be a job called "Dispätcher" which existed nowhere else in the world, and it was the Dispätcher's job to notice when anything wasn't progressing and prod someone into action.

The NHS could do with a few of those.
Jul 2018
4:01pm, 12 Jul 2018
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As I thought she might my mum has made an amazing recovery from the state she was in at the start of the week. When I visited this afternoon she was downstairs, walking unaided, moderately compos mentis... she is seemingly indestructible!

We sat in the garden and at times she was a bit random mentally, but could have short conversations which made some sense. I just hope she'll keep the fluid intake up now
Jul 2018
6:05pm, 12 Jul 2018
833 posts
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Little Miss Happy
Good news Daisy.

Hope that your olds are soon sorted now it's a bit clearer what's going on Mandy and Chris.

I hope you have it sorted now Carp.
Jul 2018
6:28pm, 12 Jul 2018
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It's sodium and potassium deficiency, likely caused by self-medication. They don't seem to have issued any advice of what to do about it. Another hospital visit next week.

It really is taking all my wife's time and energy, and half mine. This year my wife has marked less than 40% of her A-level papers.
Jul 2018
8:04pm, 12 Jul 2018
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I hope they're giving her replacement medication - and monitoring her heart!

About This Thread

Maintained by LindsD
I thought I'd start a thread, as lots of us have elderly folks that we worry about/care for.

Useful info for after someone dies here (with thanks to grast_girl)

Other useful links



Who pays for residential care? Information here:


Advice on care homes and payment/funding


Also: After someone dies, if their home insurance was only in their name, sadly the cover becomes void. But if the policy was in joint names, it will still cover the surviving policyholder (though the names on the policy will need to be updated).

A useful book of exercises for memory loss and dementia

Pension Credit. The rules are a bit complex but if your elderly relative has some sort of disability (in this case dementia/Alzheimer's) and go into a home, they may be able to claim pension credit. So if carers allowance stops, it seems pension credit can start. It can also be backdated.

Fall alarm company, etc.

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