Apr 2020
4:33pm, 2 Apr 2020
17,105 posts
more than half the world is under curfew now
Apr 2020
5:00pm, 2 Apr 2020
29,887 posts
Mrs Jigs (Luverlylegs)
I can work from home and it was agreed last Thursday with my manager that I would work from home with the occasional presence in the office to carry out a task that I can only do there as I don’t have a work laptop so no access to shared drives, we agreed 1 or 2 hours a week, I have now been told I have to work from the office 2 days a week, I am not happy about this as it goes against government advice, not sure if I can refuse?
Apr 2020
5:02pm, 2 Apr 2020
17,106 posts
i think the government said report it if the job can be done at home it should be so my understanding would be that only the bit that needs you in the office should be done there
Apr 2020
5:03pm, 2 Apr 2020
3,875 posts
run free
... looking at the positive side, the world needed to slow down and needs to re-evaluate economic values such poor pay for many of our health care workers, which should change. How come they have to pay parking fees? Can their tax be reduced? Can infrastructure / public transportation to hospitals be improved?
How about flying? Or travelling to work? Can we simply create hubs in each town? Improve our cycle highways so that we can reduce travel by car?
Apr 2020
5:34pm, 2 Apr 2020
6,959 posts
If you are going to travel into the office, it seems to me that a bit of extra time there is a relatively minor thing. I would push hard for a single day though rather than 2, but tell them you'll be there for a full day (which maybe you'll be able to slide back on later if/when it's obvious there is no point). Always better to propose a solution than to generate a problem (I'm not saying you aren't 100% in the right!).
Apr 2020
6:14pm, 2 Apr 2020
7,200 posts
Too Much Water
I’m going for a job which will be office based due to the type of work it is. I can drive there and am a Key Worker anyway should the plod well me. I’m actually happy to do this as a good reason to get out of house, an hour each way but driving through some nice countryside.
It’s only a short term job so I don’t mind the drive should I get it
Apr 2020
6:33pm, 2 Apr 2020
17,107 posts
Son’s flat mate’s grandad has died
He was rushed into hospital with symptoms earlier this week
Apr 2020
6:39pm, 2 Apr 2020
11,209 posts
Sad news, Pix.
Apr 2020
6:42pm, 2 Apr 2020
51,276 posts
plodding hippo
Run free, we can now park where we like for free. Public transport is now free for us in cardiff its all so so weird
Apr 2020
6:49pm, 2 Apr 2020
384 posts
I remember signing petitions against bear bile extraction back in the day. It is extremely cruel and barbaric, the bears are in constant pain and confined to tiny cages. FFS don’t anyone give this any credibility. Add it to rhino horn and tiger claw.