Apr 2020
2:37pm, 2 Apr 2020
6,956 posts
Thanks for the idea re BBQ. Forgot I bought one at the tail end of last summer and never used it. Luckily I've got a few bangers in the freezer, I don't need to go shopping again
Apr 2020
2:42pm, 2 Apr 2020
10,781 posts
@Rosehip - phew!! I was picking up on the phrase about animal rights activists getting agitated about it and assumed it meant death.
Apr 2020
2:52pm, 2 Apr 2020
15,488 posts
- it's still bloody cruel though I did some study of Chinese medicines and useful pharma that came from them years ago - (I think when I was on maternity leave and bored) - I've forgotten most of it, except that bear bile does contain some very interesting ingredients and I thought that synthetic versions of each were now used at least in part.
If there is evidence of some benefit to the bile then I'm sure the appropriate known compounds from the libraries will be/are being tested.
Apr 2020
2:53pm, 2 Apr 2020
775 posts
Dave W
Still a barbaric thing to do for a product that's not proven to work in any way shape or form.
And just cos other animals are treated badly doesn't for one minute make it right FFS.
Apr 2020
2:56pm, 2 Apr 2020
2,111 posts
The list of over 100 medical professionals who have died from covid-19 world-wide, published today by Medscape (a site only accessible to heath-care workers), includes a substantial number of elderly doctors but also several in the 20’s and a fairly uniform spread across the middle age range. I have not attempted a statistical analysis but it is salutary to see to the number of young medical professionals dying. Is this a consequence of exposure to large viral loads and/or immune status weakened by exhaustion?
Apr 2020
2:57pm, 2 Apr 2020
17,103 posts
both I would suggest cannute medics are working even longer than normal under even more stress now - and thank you
Apr 2020
2:58pm, 2 Apr 2020
15,489 posts
- or a mixture of both?
Apr 2020
3:01pm, 2 Apr 2020
778 posts
Dave W
All things that are well documented and shouldn't be a shock to anyone.
And that's why they should have gold standard PPE and be tested regularly.
Apr 2020
3:09pm, 2 Apr 2020
15,491 posts
Isn't there something about the presence of antibodies to "common cold coronaviruses" being linked to more severe cases of Covid-19 as an explanation as to why young children haven't generally been considered at high risk? or did I imagine that? If that's the case, then medics (and teachers) are probably amongst the most likely to have a range of "mild cold coronavirus" antibodies in their system?
Apr 2020
3:17pm, 2 Apr 2020
5,438 posts
57.5 Degrees of Pain
Going back a few pages, I think I've mentioned before that they wouldn't take my blood in the US in 2006. As I was working for the NY State Health Department as an epidemiologist at the time (as employees we received periodic emails from the Red Cross blood service detailing how blood shortages were compromising patient care) I enquired of the head of the service for the evidence base for refusing the very O -ve blood they professed to desperately need. Never received an answer.