Sep 2020
8:04am, 19 Sep 2020
36,948 posts
interestingly St Andrews university have requested their students to take a voluntary lockdown this weekend. I wonder how that will go. Will it be observed? will it help to reduce transmission? will any other universities do similar?
Sep 2020
8:40am, 19 Sep 2020
23,743 posts
Lizzie W
We have rights AND responsibilities.
Sep 2020
8:49am, 19 Sep 2020
24,695 posts
Well said Lizzie!
Sep 2020
8:57am, 19 Sep 2020
17,562 posts
JR, you do realise your proposed solution would mean you couldnt see your own parents ?
Sep 2020
8:59am, 19 Sep 2020
1,341 posts
Just catching up of the last few pages. There is this big focus on fraths and reducing deaths. Its not just about deaths though.
The long term impacts of having covid are still massively unknown. But some of the stats are scary. 10% of mild, non hospitalised cases have had further complications a few months on. And thats just the mild cases, what about those who go to hospital, or even the asymptomatic people? The effects could come out in a year, we don't know.
I know of young, fit and healthy people who had have 3 hospital stays in the 4 months following testing positive (all they suffered at the time was fatigue). Letting covid work through the young community as they will be fine from it (if you remove the issue of vulnerable people), could be disastrous. How would the economy or NHS work when we have our work force needing regular hospital stays and treatments?
I'm more scared of catching it now, for my own personal health, than ever. During lockdown I was really worried of catching ot and spreading it, and thats still there but seeing some of the longer impacts is scary.
Sep 2020
9:00am, 19 Sep 2020
1,342 posts
fraths=deaths. My thumbs seem fat today.
Sep 2020
9:04am, 19 Sep 2020
491 posts
I’m feeling the same Roberto. I’m moderately vulnerable apparently as I have asthma and the long term impact of the virus upon myself and others concerns me. This is a key motivator for taking precautions at this time.
Sep 2020
9:04am, 19 Sep 2020
892 posts
No one can stop you seeing your family. You can choose to comply with state dictates or you can choose to make your own decisions. I care for my family & wider society but my family is my priority & no one should be made to feel guilty for that. If you choose to then you’re part of the problem IMO. I really hope those who are chooosing not to see family don’t regret it in years to come. As someone said in another forum - if I hug my mother she ‘may’ catch CV19 & die - if I abandon her & never visit ‘for her own good’ until BoJo or his despicable cronies tell me it’s safe to do so she may die of loneliness & heartbreak.
Sep 2020
9:06am, 19 Sep 2020
17,563 posts
So you will not even abide by your own proposed solution. Says it all really.
Sep 2020
9:06am, 19 Sep 2020
1,925 posts
Yes I agree Roberto.
I’m curious as to how shielding the vulnerable and letting everyone else return to normal would work in practice.
Most of the vulnerable require care and support. Do their families then have to shield? Their children not mix or interact? Does that mean those who provide care and those who support also have to shield? Do their children not go to school?