Coronavirus discussion thread

136 watchers
Sep 2020
2:16pm, 21 Sep 2020
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At my son's football matches, they have a designated person taking T&T details.
Sep 2020
2:26pm, 21 Sep 2020
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I have taken the Covid-19 training mandated by Welsh Athletics so I know definitively that contrary to the apparent beliefs of some on here, 5G masts don't cause it and neither do evil spirits or bad humours. Still not sure if witchcraft or biological warfare has been ruled out, I think WA are waiting for the Illuminati to get back to them.
Sep 2020
2:38pm, 21 Sep 2020
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My running club training sessions are pre sign up now (just signed up for my first one to happen on Tuesday). Not sure on the procedure when we get there but will see tomorrow.
Sep 2020
2:50pm, 21 Sep 2020
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my running club is sign up only, names and numbers held by the run leader. Run leaders are expected to see that social distancing is maintained.

Im also on the committtee for our brass band. we plan to restart rehearsals. We have a lot of requirements to put in place to be "covid secure" as it is indoor. Its not going to feel as much "fun" socially and there will be no going to the pub after but at least it will be happening.
Sep 2020
3:22pm, 21 Sep 2020
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Would be interested in people's views of these opposing letters:
Sep 2020
3:35pm, 21 Sep 2020
37,005 posts
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my view is that segregation of the vulnerable is not possible and measures have to include all members of society. The problem with care homes for example is that you need people to work there, carers, cleaners, caterers, deliveries. If you allow the virus to run through these staff then it ends up in the care home.
Sep 2020
3:47pm, 21 Sep 2020
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One letter is wishful thinking, the other letter is the inconvenient reality, one comes from specialists in the appropriate field, the other doesn't.
Sep 2020
3:50pm, 21 Sep 2020
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Hmmm...Sikora vs Greenhalgh.

Proven fraud with all manner of dodgy connections vs public health expert.

Actually, his letter is better than I'd expected, presumably as he wanted to get a bunch of sane people on board. The other letter is a bit apple-pie-and-motherhood as you'd expect from that lot. Of course we'd love to suppress the virus if it could be done cheaply and reliably.

I actually don't believe I know enough about the costs and benefits to make an overall judgment about what policies we should be following. It is simply not clear what the endgame is. This has been the case from day 1 and while we know more about the virus, we still don't know if or how we can get to a point at which it's a minor nuisance, nor how long this might take. In the worst case where immunity doesn't last and we don't get an effective vaccine it could be a terrible decade ahead. Or, it could be largely over by the spring/summer next year.

I think it's worth trying to protect the most vulnerable and committing to the basic ideas of reducing transmission via significant distancing, ventilation and the rest. Beyond that, cross your fingers and hope for a vaccine and strong immune response.
Sep 2020
3:51pm, 21 Sep 2020
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forest plodder
I agree DocM.
My running club has done risk assessments, has a COVID officer, and a booking system. There are still issues with some training sessions though, where paths are narrower, and we've had a couple of complaints from members of the public. I'm still more comfortable with smaller groups.
Sep 2020
3:54pm, 21 Sep 2020
8,423 posts
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Saint, which one is which in your view?

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Discussion of coronavirus: share useful information, air your frustrations but play nicely!

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