Aug 2016
10:36am, 1 Aug 2016
6,916 posts
ah OK. is that a standard rule for all Tris, that if you go over to the other side of the road you'll be DQ'd?
Aug 2016
10:39am, 1 Aug 2016
58,651 posts
It is a road traffic violation. Never mind a triathlon rule. I broke the law for being on a public road.
I believe at best case you get a yellow and sinbinned but yes dq for road infringements is correct.
Don't break the law, simple
Aug 2016
11:18am, 1 Aug 2016
6,917 posts
fair enough! ta
Aug 2016
11:30am, 1 Aug 2016
15,162 posts
Gordon in my only (so far ;-)) triathlon we were warned very specifically that any violation of road traffic rules would mean disqualification. They mentioned a mini-roundabout on a near-deserted industrial estate area, and told us that the marshal at that point was instructed to disqualify anyone who rode over, or cut, the white dot painted on the road. Clearly a racing line would have cut it but I was extremely careful not to go near the white paint!
Aug 2016
11:47am, 1 Aug 2016
32,454 posts
Hills of Death (HOD)
I got a 'yellow' card during my Ironman I was distraught !!!
Aug 2016
11:53am, 1 Aug 2016
6,918 posts
there's the same rule in my upcoming tri - you must stop at a specific junction and put your foot down. it makes sense that breaking traffic laws leads to a DQ but in my mind I'd only associated DQing with specific instances and not the rest of the ride. *cancels plans to get his mate to drive by and hold on to the back of his car*
Aug 2016
12:52pm, 1 Aug 2016
1,720 posts
It strictly depends upon how slow they're going, but I'm expecting in an event it's not going to be less than 16kph.
Someone, rather foolishly, tried to take a bottle from a moving car at yesterday's TT, right in front of the timekeepers. He was given rather short shrift for that!
Aug 2016
10:12am, 2 Aug 2016
58,657 posts
Road law are road laws. There is no its ok because ....
Aug 2016
10:15am, 2 Aug 2016
496 posts
I sympathise Gobi.
I am a relatively faster cyclist than runner and so I nearly always spend much of the bike leg of duathlons overtaking. Having to keep within road traffic laws, drafting rules and bear in mind no-overtaking sections can be a nightmare. Having to pass a group obviously drafting and not being penalised can be so frustrating.
As was once pointed out to me, you can't expect a clear course because the rules of the game are that those who did the first leg faster than you have earned their right to get in front of you (except when starts are in waves which makes the problem far worse!).
Aug 2016
2:59pm, 2 Aug 2016
9,985 posts
Got a drafting penalty the other week, my opinion was that me and the other competitor were attacking and counter attacking each other. i.e. as soon as I was along side them they pushed and vice versa.
We both got a box penalty. I didn't argue, no point. I should have conceded the place, dropped back a bike length and attacked again. But in the heat of battle.
I like Gobi's stance, accept it and move on. If you make a nob of yourself to the officials then you will be under scrutiny everytime.