Baking thread

1 lurker | 100 watchers
May 2020
8:55am, 21 May 2020
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Wriggling Snake
White Sourdough on the rise.....nice looking bread Nico...I like the idea of the fridge overnight, lets see how it goes today.....
May 2020
8:59am, 21 May 2020
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Thinking about it Sallykate, it might have been a slightly under baked issue? *

There is (was) a small area which is (was) a bit "doughy"

* I'm no Paul Hollywood
May 2020
9:07am, 21 May 2020
6,438 posts
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Do you do the "poke" test for proving?

Poke the dough with your finger: if it's not proved enough it'll spring back and leave no impression, if it's overproved the impression will stay as deep as you made it, and if it's just right it'll spring back halfway.

I bake mine for a total of 50 mins - 30 mins covered @ full blast, 20 uncovered @ 190. That's longer than the recipe suggests.
May 2020
9:13am, 21 May 2020
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Agree with SK tips - you certainly need to know you oven and trust your own judgement. Patience is key with sourdough.

A good fun thing is when you get it out of the oven bang the bottom (oo-er missis!) with a knuckle - if it's properly baked there should be a really satisfying 'drum' sound.
May 2020
9:15am, 21 May 2020
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Nice tip :-)*

It's mini Nico who does most of the baking, and did in this instance. I'll pass it on.

* similar to the steak thing with the pad of your thumb
May 2020
9:17am, 21 May 2020
26,821 posts
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Wriggling Snake
Excellent, I am looking forward to some poking and banging in the next 12 hours or so.
May 2020
9:32am, 21 May 2020
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Derby Tup
That recipe makes a horrible sticky ‘batter’. It’s like putty. Anyway I added a handful of glacé cherries for luck (after testing them to check they are still okay) and the cakes (it makes two) are in the Aga
May 2020
10:18am, 21 May 2020
36,783 posts
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The cookies look amazing! I don't have any brown sugar, though. Only golden caster.

LittleD made a victoria sponge yesterday. With buttercream and blackcurrant jam. yum!
May 2020
10:48am, 21 May 2020
42,009 posts
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Derby Tup
I’ve used whatever sugar we have to do my baking and everything has come out okay so far

The tea loafs are out. They smell good but look a bit rustic. Tasting report to follow at lunch-time
May 2020
11:44am, 21 May 2020
42,011 posts
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Derby Tup

It cooled down quicker than expected ;-)

About This Thread

Maintained by LindsD
Can't find one, so I thought I would start one, to share ideas, results and recipes....and the all-important pictures.

Recipes we like: cakes

Recipes we like: bread

Recipes we like: savoury snacks

Recipes we like: biscuits

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  • food
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