Sep 2011
3:27pm, 9 Sep 2011
65,859 posts
its just something you'll need to put up with, or hang it under your desk to dry? just get some fabreze if it's too smelly
Sep 2011
5:40pm, 9 Sep 2011
42 posts
I don't do the run-commute very often but when I do, by far the easiest way of avoiding having minging running gear littering the office is to take the train to work and run home!
Four words in a row there ending with "-ing." I hope I've still made sense.
Sep 2011
5:48pm, 9 Sep 2011
5,708 posts
Hmm, I was thinking about running to work too, would be about 7 miles each way for me, but again I would have the problem of where to hang wet kit - the ktichen is nice and warm, but the EHO would probably get a bit annoyed about skanky kit lying around!
Sep 2011
5:53pm, 9 Sep 2011
595 posts
When I do the run commute I run home one evening and back in again the next morning. It means I can have fresh kit for each run, and I don't have to worry about trying to dry the kit at work so I can wear it later the same day. This means I can rinse it out, put it in a bag and leave it in my sports bag in my locker.
Sep 2011
6:30pm, 9 Sep 2011
17 posts
Arbster - where I work in London (when I'm not on a client's site) there is (or at least was) a small drying room somewhere on the ground floor, albeit not very well advertised (and nowhere near the changing rooms). I wonder if there might be one in your London office?
I know some people keep a stock of shirts permanently in London and have them cleaned and ironed there. Obviously a bit pricey, but cheaper per shirt than a tube journey.
Sep 2011
11:09pm, 9 Sep 2011
596 posts
Hmm - I'll have to hunt around. Maybe I'll be in luck.
Sep 2011
11:26pm, 9 Sep 2011
3,866 posts
I'm spoiled, showers, lockers, hairdryers and a drying room
Sep 2011
10:18am, 10 Sep 2011
597 posts
Ah, we have lockers too... sadly, a few people who once exercised for a whole week, just after Christmas in 2009, decided they needed to lock up their now-festering kit and never again set foot in the changing rooms...
Sep 2011
10:31am, 10 Sep 2011
3,373 posts
H- why cant you just leave kit in the changing rooms ? Thats what goes on at my place, full of everyones towels for the week and clothes each day drying out for the commute home ! They even installed some nive wee units that puff out air freshener stuff every 5 mins
Sep 2011
11:18am, 10 Sep 2011
5,714 posts
Changing rooms? I wish! Our shower (1 only) is accessed through the diasabled toilet too and some people have taken to hanging their kit up in there! Lovely when I want to change in the morning into my whites with a soaking wet floor and skanky kit everywhere!!