Sep 2012
11:19am, 18 Sep 2012
9,166 posts
I just swapped my laptop at work for a slate because it's lighter and easier to run with, I put it inside a large zip lock bag if it is damp out (my old X1 Lenovo used to fit in a similar sized bag too). You could try that as an excuse for getting a new machine?
Sep 2012
11:43am, 18 Sep 2012
34 posts
At work I now have a towel, shower stuff, 2 suits, 2 x chinos, 3 x shoes. Shirt, socks and undies carried in every day in a plastic bag in my Camelback rucksack. Shirt does get a little creased, but not so much that it's unwearable (or for me to be bothered about). 4 miles x twice a day, 3 days minimum a week, plus if I leave early, I always try and go a different, longer route (along the Thames Path to Greenwich - virtually traffic and people free). Bit more difficult in winter, but I clip a bike light to my rucksack and go completely overboard with the hi viz! It's basically easy mileage for me - training without really thinking about it.
Sep 2012
1:48pm, 18 Sep 2012
18,028 posts
Mine is 7 miles each way, or 11, depending on which office I'm in. A bit difficult to do both ways each day (for me, at this stage of training). So I have the difficulty of having to run one way then find a way to get back. Tried buses yesterday. Fail. Did dropping car off part way, still a fail. So, still trying to work out how to fit this in. Will start trying properly after next mara.
No way I could carry laptop and all its gubbins to and from work tho. I leave it there and just accept if I'm going to another office then it's not a run day. :-)G
Sep 2012
1:54pm, 18 Sep 2012
2,965 posts
Vancouver Jogger
I got a macbook air simply because of portability and a battery life that tends to last a whole day. Easy to sling in a ruc sack. Also make use of dropbox so even on days where I can't bring it home etc I can still work on stuff if necessary...
Sep 2012
2:53pm, 25 Sep 2012
2,079 posts
Well, today is my first day of running commuting. I bought one of those Nike Vapour whatsit packs - very good. I loaded it up last night with my laptop, wash bag, spare set of kit and work clothes and it was a majorly tight squeeze. 3.5 miles in, another 6.5 at lunch and I'll run the 3.5 miles home again later.
I think next time I have a running commute day (which will be next week for various reasons), I'll take some kit or clothes in the day before rather than have to carry everything. I'm thinking of getting an ipad for home too so I don't have to carry the laptop home all the time.
Sep 2012
2:55pm, 25 Sep 2012
7,842 posts
Keefy Beefy
If I can I always prefer to have stuff in the office to change into. I like to do all sort of runs on the way to work and can't stomach a tempo run with rucksack full off stuff. The tricky bit is winter when you want a coast to go home into. I tend to not run in om Monday and bring in as much as I can for the rest of the week.
Oct 2013
10:07pm, 23 Oct 2013
3,429 posts
Wine Legs
I have a new challenge. In my new work, I am having to cart everything with me every day because I shower at a nearby gym. That's all fine, and I can cope with a slightly heavier bag. My challenge comes when I want to run home again. I can hang up my towel, t-shirt and shorts in the communal area, but what on earth do I do about my pants and bra?? They are both still damp when I got to put them on in the evening to run home. Not nice. And it will only get worse. I can't really hang them around the office, especially as I am a contractor but what else can I do? There's no place in the ladies loo (singular) to put them either. Advice appreciated!
Oct 2013
10:13pm, 23 Oct 2013
9,474 posts
Carry extra underwear?
Oct 2013
11:14pm, 23 Oct 2013
2,193 posts
Emdee - for a waterproof cover I would use a Hump rucksack cover. relatively expensive but bought mine years ago and it's still great.
Oct 2013
10:48am, 24 Oct 2013
3,430 posts
Wine Legs
I did consider carrying more pants etc, but I would run out of pants and bras very quickly wearing two a day. And I really want to get to having less stuff in my bag and not more... It's a fun challenge. What I magically need is a way to dry my pants and bra without decorating the office with them. And we don't have one of those huffy hand dryers here either. Just paper towels.