Nov 2019
7:05pm, 18 Nov 2019
28,362 posts
Great WAVA results everyone!
I have finished my 2019 races as a lowly Tunny (66%). I did manage a 69% parkrun but otherwise my racing was just too badly hit by my foot injury this year. I shall try to do better next year
Nov 2019
8:53am, 19 Nov 2019
3,150 posts
I'm done for the year - I had hoped to do a 10-miler at the weekend, but a fortnight of no running made it a pointless exercise, so decided not to risk it Just got a parkrun (Keswick) and a Santa Dash lined up for the coming weeks, so not going to make any difference to my scores Good luck to anyone who has got anything in the pipeline in the near future
Nov 2019
8:58am, 19 Nov 2019
33,272 posts
I googled yesterday (inspired by this thread!) to see what races there are in the next 6 weeks that I could get another time and % in for. Has to be something not 5K or 10K. Couldn't do a half I don't think.
I have found a 3K though, but it's a Friday afternoon in a city 50 miles away. Do I really choose my working day and long lunch break around a 3K just to get to be a Lion?! Possibly!
Thanks bonners. I hate running on ice too. To the extent that the only time I do treadmill running is when there is ice on the ground. And I own some Kahtoola microspikes for when it's snowy and icy (so I can still get out in the snow in the hills). So I was a bit distressed at how icy it was. But I just sought out the grass and leaves on the sides. Quite pleased with the time, given the conditions. And even though 20s slower 4 that months ago, I was 8 places higher, so that tells a tale, I think. G
Nov 2019
8:58am, 19 Nov 2019
43,959 posts
Are you doing Keswick this week, R4R?
Nov 2019
9:14am, 19 Nov 2019
3,153 posts
that's it - drive up Thursday, walk on Friday, parkrun on saturday morning, tootling around Keswick market in the afternoon
Nov 2019
9:19am, 19 Nov 2019
43,962 posts
May see you there As things stand, I'm not working on Saturday this week.
Nov 2019
9:26am, 19 Nov 2019
3,154 posts
look forward to it - was around at the same time last year but missed you.
saw LB and VP but had to dash off - I think you were back-marking so probably only just missed you
Nov 2019
2:36pm, 19 Nov 2019
970 posts
Go for it HappyG. You'll regret it if you don't.
Nov 2019
3:35pm, 19 Nov 2019
3,155 posts
I should have said I'm probably done for the year ... Inspired by HappyG I've just looked and found a couple of odd-distance races - one of about 6.8k (it changes every year), and a 7-miler, both about an hour's drive from home
Nov 2019
5:02pm, 19 Nov 2019
716 posts
3k on the Green Mr Happy? It’s a good race, fast field.