May 2008
6:12pm, 6 May 2008
2,059 posts
Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.
Henry Ford
May 2008
7:39pm, 6 May 2008
20 posts
holy crap, this thread grew fast!! many many points to consider.
I pulled some speed sessions out of an old copy of RW if anyone fancies the look of these...
sessions from the elites: Craig Mottram: Two 1k reps flat out with 3 mins rest (not sure if static?) in between. Then 22 min of hard reps over distances between 30 and 90 seconds broken up by jog recoveries of the same length.
Jo Pavey: 6 x 1,000m at 5k pace with 90 secs recovery.
Dave Moorcroft: 8 x 300m flat out with 2 mins recovery.
And some other speed sessions from the same issue: Long Intervals: 4 x 1 mile at 5k pace with 3-4 mins recovery jogs in between.
Hill repeats: 2 sets of 6-8 x 150m hill repeats: sprint up, walk back down.
Speed reps: 8 x 400m at mile pace with 2 min jog recoveries.
just ideas to throw out there; different things work for different people.
May 2008
8:02pm, 6 May 2008
756 posts
I suspect they all work and the important thing is not to get bored
May 2008
8:37pm, 6 May 2008
225 posts
in february i ran my first and to date only 5k in 21:55. i was aiming for 22-ish mins - a time based on what various sites, including this one, predicted i could do, based on my times over other (longer) distances and my training.
in the race itself, i started off near the back (of a quite small field), slower than what i thought was race pace and then made sure i paced myself as strictly as possible, using my watch and the kilometre markers. i use one of the watches RW give out for subscribing - no fancy garmin or hrm kit. i used other runners to "tow" me up the gentle-ish hills and started running flat out with a kilometre to go and was able to pick off a few runners and go under 22 mins (21:55 was my watch time; annoyingly my official time was 22:01). i was also able to run home from the race.
in terms of my training, i had not done any specific 5k training. the week before i ran a hilly 10 mile race - the furthest distance i have raced. as such, my training in the 6-8 weeks before the 5k was geared towards a very different race. however, i think aspects of my 10mile training programme did benefit my 5k running. the only runs over 7 miles in that period were my weekly LSRs, which were run at an easy pace and were run to increase my endurance (i am fairly new to running and wanted to put down the foundations upon which to build my shed - so to speak). my other 3 runs per week were a mixture of 2-6 mile runs, alternating tempo runs and intervals. i also did quite a few hill sessions. i think these shorter sessions were what helped me achieve a 5k time that i was very happy with, as they taught me how to pace myself over that sort of distance, to learn to listen to my body to know how hard i can run and for how long, and to train my body to run at a quicker, rather than slower pace.
i am now training for my first marathon (berlin) and will be entering a couple of halves along the way. i also intend to do a few 5k time trials and i do expect to improve on my pb. i dont think that marathon training is particularly detrimental to the average runner's 5k time, provided that they do a good mix of sessions, including a bit of shorter distance speedwork. perhaps once you reach the top end of the sport it is best to specialise more, but i don't think it is something that i particularly need to worry about.
of course, i'm not a coach, so maybe my comments should be ignored...
May 2008
8:42pm, 6 May 2008
226 posts
would some kind of virtual time trial series help? it could be difficult to organise "fetch-mile"-esque 5Ks across the country, but a group table of 5k times over fetch-route-planner or garmin measured courses might prove useful to some people - provided anyone who gets a PB is willing to divulge their secrets to those who need a hand...
May 2008
8:52pm, 6 May 2008
16,918 posts
Not doing the Promenade 5k tomorrow JS?
May 2008
8:55pm, 6 May 2008
228 posts
thought about it, but no. however, i reckon i will do the next one. is it on more or less the same bit of pompey as the victory 5 (but shorter, obviously)?
May 2008
8:58pm, 6 May 2008
16,919 posts
Not done it before either, but I reckon it's up around the Lido and back (ie once what the DDay 10k is!). Will let you know!
May 2008
9:13pm, 6 May 2008
757 posts
JSBean - there are 5k TTs all over the country nowadays I know for a fact that three fetcthettes did BHTT on Saturday, and dozens do BPTT. So it wouldn't have to be THAT virtual ...
May 2008
7:15am, 7 May 2008
717 posts
The only thing I know local to me is the Langdon 5k series, which is off road. First one's Tuesday week. Still and all, my first three triathlons this season all have 5k runs...