May 2008
8:23am, 7 May 2008
6,085 posts
Mrs BooBoo LaBoy
Ok coaches out there. How slow should I be running my 'general' runs??
May 2008
8:32am, 7 May 2008
5,290 posts
Good question Boo.....
May 2008
8:38am, 7 May 2008
6,086 posts
Mrs BooBoo LaBoy
Well it's just that I went for a run today and it felt mega easy - but my pace would suggest that it was too fast (but this would be based on my PB's I guess) how can I measure progression. I can and have run V V slowly, but I don't think that encourages me to run faster...
May 2008
8:40am, 7 May 2008
730 posts
I await the answers with eagerness. This is the other side of my "was my 10mm Monday run a waste of time" coin.
May 2008
8:43am, 7 May 2008
5,293 posts
I find i get lazy on my "general" runs and end up falling back to LSR pace which I'm sure is bad but I'm never really sure what I should be doing
May 2008
8:45am, 7 May 2008
732 posts
I'm bang with you on this, Homer. I was pondering on the general expedient of leaving the iPod at home...
May 2008
8:46am, 7 May 2008
6,087 posts
Mrs BooBoo LaBoy
Exactly Homer. Especially if you are plodding down the usual stretch of road that you run all the time. Today my run took me on a tried and very tested 5k route. Last year i would 'plod' it in 30mins, as a 'general and easy' run. Today I did it in 26mins. Felt very easy...
May 2008
9:05am, 7 May 2008
79 posts
What's a "general run"?! For me it would just be shorter 30-75 minute outings at easy conversational pace. Aerobic mileage that isn't recovery running I suppose - and pace doesn't matter too much.
It's probably a good idea to do this type of run with less effort rather than more and make sure you're getting a regular tempo run and some hard intervals in each week, which is the real to improving 5K speed and endurance. There are loads of gizmos around that will calculate paces for you but none of them are anythig more than a rough guide - you need to run by effort and not by the watch to get a good mix in your training - the stats can wait until after you've finished!
May 2008
9:10am, 7 May 2008
13,698 posts
Homer, Greg I split the run into different efforts so I'll do say 15 mins at half marathon pace, 5 mins fall back to jog, 15 mins at 10k pace, fall back to jog for example and I do not let the pace drop when in these efforts.
One favourite of mine is a ten mile out and back on a hilly trail where I go out fairly steady but gradually pick up the pace until I'm at 5k pace or quicker on my last mile on the return...
I take my iPod
May 2008
9:12am, 7 May 2008
13,699 posts
Answer is don't plod and do the route differently on different days maybe Boo. One day make yourself do it at 10k pace maybe? You'll love to be able to do it nice and steady another time!