Dec 2016
8:46am, 3 Dec 2016
7,858 posts
Well I've had a rubbish few days running wise. Worked away last week a 2.5hr drive Tuesday night meant I didn't get out and Wednesday my colleague and I went to the cinema meaning there was no window of opportunity. Got back Thursday then straight to a friends to babysit. Yesterday it was a sore throat and life and today it's Xmas shopping.... maybe when I get back as I'm away again tomorrow meeting friends in Leeds!! Good job I'm officially tapering.
Hope marcothon is going well Duo
Great news on the PB Hal!
Dec 2016
1:27pm, 7 Dec 2016
7,864 posts
Sleigh (geordie) bells ring
Well 4 days to go. I've made it this far injury free (touches wood) and now scared to run in case I get injured. I've kept the cold at bay so just a couple more days to get through!!
I feel as prepped as I can be and really happy with the work I've done to get here. I will report back when I can move again after the race!!
Hope you're all ok and Ev that you're resting
Dec 2016
1:11pm, 8 Dec 2016
216 posts
Good luck!!
Dec 2016
8:06pm, 8 Dec 2016
1,672 posts
LongSleighRound [LWR]
A rubbish few days? I've had a rubbish year. I'm 404 miles short of my target.
Dec 2016
10:15pm, 8 Dec 2016
2,699 posts
I had a VERY slow short run yesterday (2 miles) at the cycleway; my first run since I injured my knee over 2 weeks ago. The cartilage was only bruised and I suffered no ill effects yesterday. Hopefully I shall run again on Saturday.
Dec 2016
11:52pm, 9 Dec 2016
7,866 posts
Sleigh (geordie) bells ring
Oh LWR sorry to hear your running hasn't gone well. Bit keep lurking and be here again next year.
Good news Ev take it steady and you'll soon be back.
We're on the boat in ely drive over to Dorset tomorrow. I've never been this excited about a race let alone the first time I've done said race!!
Dec 2016
7:06pm, 10 Dec 2016
1,749 posts
Surrey Phil
Keep going guys. The finishing line is in sight.
Dec 2016
2:18pm, 11 Dec 2016
283 posts
I hope you had a good run today GG.
We're nearly there folks. Keep going.
Dec 2016
9:26am, 12 Dec 2016
217 posts
Deck The Hall(s)ucyn8
How did the race go GG? Hope it lived up to expectations.
I went out for 6 and a halfish miles yesterday (first run in two weeks!). No target pace in mind and with the intention of squishing as many bugs as I could. A fair bit of very muddy offroading but it was fun and that's what matters at the end of the day
Hope everyone is doing ok and managing to squeeze in a few more miles before the end of the year!
Dec 2016
1:11pm, 12 Dec 2016
1,764 posts
Surrey Phil
I didn't get out this weekend as I had a bit of a sore head. I'm not ill and hadn't been drinking, so it was pretty frustrating.
Should still make the 500 mile target and I'm now looking forward to getting out on Saturday morning to do some serious mileage.