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500 miles in 2016

28 watchers
Nov 2016
3:34pm, 14 Nov 2016
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Well done on the mileage duo!

Good running GG (apart from the stomach cramps!)

Not a good week for me last week, the CBAs were in full effect. I did manage to get out for a run yesterday but a combination of getting up late and having a family meal at lunchtime meant I only had time for just over 3.5 miles. On the plus side I ran quicker than expected (still off the plan so running based on how I feel at the moment).

6 miles to go to the big 500!!
Nov 2016
11:04pm, 14 Nov 2016
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you'll blitz the 500 Hally, CBAs get us all at sometime or another (or at least me anyway) well done on the speedier run.
Nov 2016
1:40pm, 15 Nov 2016
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Surrey Phil
Didn't run at the weekend as I have had some problems sleeping until last night. Should still just about make the 500 mile target. 10k race this coming Sunday will be more than a wake up call to restart putting in those winter miles.
Nov 2016
9:53pm, 15 Nov 2016
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good luck for the race on Sunday Phil sorry to hear you've been having sleeping problems, as someone who has forgotten how to sleep soundly I feel your pain.

Just hit 40 for the month - unreal!! Now to keep it up with no injury.

Sorted my clothing for the race in Bovi, very excited I have cam'ed myself up nicely....
Nov 2016
1:21pm, 18 Nov 2016
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Good luck on Sunday Phil!

Fingers crossed for more injury free running GG.

Haven't made it out for a run yet this week for one reason or another so Sunday will probably be my only opportunity and all being well will take me to 500 or beyond.
Nov 2016
4:59pm, 18 Nov 2016
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Good luck Phil I am sure to be around at the weekend but just incase.

Great mileage Hal :)

I'm coming down with a flipping cold, sneezing my head off, runny nose and a cottonwool head that won't retain anything. Thinking rather than parkrun tomorrow I may just pootle locally then there is no pressure on me to push too hard, might get myself off over the fells and find some mud.
Nov 2016
10:32pm, 18 Nov 2016
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Hi folks. Have some good running this weekend everyone, and Phil have a good race on your 10k.

I haven't got any races booked, but I might do our club's Santa Run (5k) on Dec. 3rd, and the Glynneath 5 (5ml.) on Boxing Day. Tomorrow I shall do a 2 mile Time Trial or some mile repeats.
Nov 2016
11:01pm, 18 Nov 2016
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Let me know if you sign up Ev and I'll add you to the list. Good luck with your time trial.
Nov 2016
6:08pm, 20 Nov 2016
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Well I'm pleased to say I went out for a 7 mile run this morning, that was actually part of the plan that I'm supposed to be following, and nailed the target pace without too much effort and even better...... I'm now at 501 miles for the year!! :)

How did the 10K go Phil?
Nov 2016
7:40am, 21 Nov 2016
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Surrey Phil
Thanks for your well wishes everyone. Unfortunately, the race was cancelled two hours before the start due to the bad weather on the south coast. Very disappointed as I don't often run a 10k race but went out and ran a brisk 5.8 miles instead.

About This Thread

Maintained by geordiegirl
A new thread for those who want to join us in the attempt to reach 500 miles next year.

Everyone is welcome, whether you don't want to set an official target or you may be aiming further but still want to pop by for a chat/offer some words of wisdom or just because the door is always open and kettle is on.

Target miles Link http://www.fetcheveryone.com/training-mileagetargets-filtered.php?category=RUN&mileage=500

to set your mileage:

Go to the Train tab

scroll down to where it says - annual mileage targets

there should be a little box to the right in red, click for run and add your mileage.

Race Planner Link docs.google.com

If you update the race planner after I've updated the header drop me an fmail or a reminder (or 2) on the thread so I know to update. Thanks

Big well done to our racers to date and luck to those racing this month :)

1st - Coniston 15k - gimmemedals
9th - Yorkshire Marathon - Duo
9th - Tring Ridgeway Run - WtnMel
23rd - Chelmsford Marathon - Surrey Phil
29th - Illuminator Run - Duo

20th - Brooks Brighton 10k - SurreyPhil
27th - East Midlands Airport 10k - hallucyn8

11th - Bovi Half - geordiegirl

Good luck everyone here's wishing everyone an injury free and healthy 2016.
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