Apr 2017
12:52pm, 15 Apr 2017
1,721 posts
Awesome time Huntsman, well done!
Ran ardiff parkrun this morning for the first time in 4 weeks, in 21:42 - had hoped to go a little faster, but think I need to re-learn how to pace sub-22 after so many years being slower, as I keep going off too fast.
A few of us from the club did a quiz night last night - a friend of one of the girls was doing it as a charity fundraiser for VLM. I didn't drink, but one of the lads had 3 pints of Guinness as he said he was taking it easy today. I said I wouldn't be happy if he still beat me, of course he went past me around 3.5K and I couldn't hang on. Should have had a myself!
Ooh, how exciting that you get to go to Canada with Garfield Funky! We're going to be at VLM supporting with our club, but I'm hoping I may be able to stop off at Fetchpoint at some point too.
Apr 2017
1:02pm, 15 Apr 2017
25,435 posts
Mrs Jigs (Luverlylegs)
Oh I hope you can Jenny, you are on my list of 'must meet' Fetchies!
Well done on your parkrun time, awesome!
Well done to JK as well for keeping your smile plastered on while dealing with mad cats!
Apr 2017
1:24pm, 15 Apr 2017
26 posts
Funky Monkey
Better than herding monkeys Jabber.
Some wonderfully fast running going on.
Apr 2017
1:29pm, 15 Apr 2017
2,092 posts
Some top parkrun pb'ing today Managed to scrape a sub 22 for my 50th parkrun by 1 second Brilliant run jennyh, have some *guiness* as a recovery drink instead.
Happy holidays Funky
Apr 2017
1:31pm, 15 Apr 2017
2,093 posts
Ha ha, might have worked better if I had spelt Guinness correctly!
Apr 2017
2:01pm, 15 Apr 2017
11,862 posts
Fenland (Fenners) Runner
Nice running Jenny. If aiming for sub-22 I reckon you don't need to run the first mile any quicker than 7:10-7:20. The positive boost of overtaking others will get you a faster time.
Apr 2017
2:18pm, 15 Apr 2017
13,928 posts
Doc Moye
very impressive running going on. (still waiting for my official parkrun time due to some "scanning issues" )
Apr 2017
2:18pm, 15 Apr 2017
1,763 posts
Well done to those PBing at parkrun today. I took it easy getting round in 29:05 but more importantly the knee held up to all the left turns!
Apr 2017
2:58pm, 15 Apr 2017
7,453 posts
Great parkrunning folks! I just dragged myself out for a small 1.5 miles to get the legs going after Brighton.
They're not feeling too badly now...earlier in the week my quads were complaining after walking a mile! They shouldn't complain, I could have forced them to walk up the stairs at work (4th floor office) but I kindly gave them a break.
Apr 2017
4:08pm, 15 Apr 2017
2,687 posts
Parkrun for me too, tootled round a busy one in 26 mins but beat my next door neighbour in the last mile so happy with that. Ran there and back so 10 miles in total.