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Ian Williams aka Fetch
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12 Days of Fetchmas

84 watchers
Dec 2021
12:18pm, 18 Dec 2021
23,792 posts
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Angus Clydesdale
Was almost exactly what I said when he handed it to me this morning!! ;) :)
Dec 2021
12:20pm, 18 Dec 2021
549 posts
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1. 10k in 49.59 or quicker
2. HM in 1:49:59 or quicker
3. 100 miles a month (but without beating myself up if I don't make it)
4. Pass first year of MSc
5. Get hitched next summer, retaining my sanity and not succumbing to the Wedding Industrial Complex that claims we won't be properly married unless my shoes coordinate with the balloons and we design our own font for the invitations
6. MOST IMPORTANT - run first and foremost for enjoyment!
Dec 2021
12:20pm, 18 Dec 2021
550 posts
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And days 1-5 to happen after I've been shopping :-)
Dec 2021
12:36pm, 18 Dec 2021
2,922 posts
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1. Continue run streak
2. Swim my longest ever distance.
3. Get a non-worst time for my 56km race in January.
4. Cycle 50km in one activity.
5. Be more mindful.
6. Be more kind.

Exercises not yet done.
Dec 2021
12:36pm, 18 Dec 2021
17,539 posts
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Right - here goes:
1. Get 10k time back down to sub50

2. Enter club championship races
3. Silver standard
4. Continue regular swimming

5. Cycle more often
6. Remain uninjured!
Dec 2021
12:39pm, 18 Dec 2021
202 posts
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1. 65% wava or better at any distance
2. Run a marathon - last one was 2016
3. Lose the lockdown weight - aim for 57 kilos
4. Core / strength exercises at least twice a week
5. Race somewhere outside the UK - fingers crossed!
6. 5k under 29:00 by end of Feb

Day 6 done.
Dec 2021
12:43pm, 18 Dec 2021
8,424 posts
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1) file tax return
2) renew passport
3) continue regular swimming

4) complete CS50 computer science course
5) turn 50
6) not buy anything from Amazon if there is an alternative supplier

I will do the exercises later
Dec 2021
12:51pm, 18 Dec 2021
69 posts
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1. walk 1200 miles
2. eat less chocolate
3. parkrun once a month
4. aim to lose a stone

5. add cross training in at least twice a week
6. enjoy the views

excerises also done
Dec 2021
1:37pm, 18 Dec 2021
36,359 posts
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halfpint of mulled cider
AC was your challenge today to find the treasure?

I have blogged my targets. I blogged last year's and it was nice to look back and see what I had intended. Here they are though:

1. Swim in as many beautiful places as possible.
2. Do Adriene's 30 day yoga thingy again to get me back in the habit of regular yoga.
3. Get comfortable with capsizing my kayak and start to work towards rolling.
4. Insulate the van so I can have adventures throughout the year without freezing to death overnight.
5. Aim to try a new healthy recipe each week to expand my repertoire, especially more vegetarian meals.
6. Get my bike fitness back so I can enjoy my bikepacking trip in May.

I also did the other stuff. Everything felt tough today. I tried some cross body MCs thinking it would be easier. I was wrong.
Dec 2021
1:38pm, 18 Dec 2021
1,831 posts
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Christmas’ Dad
Day 5 done. Not looking forward to doing it all again later!

About This Thread

Maintained by FlyingScotsman
Welcome to the fifth year of 12 Days of Fetchmas (2024).

Year 5 of the 12 days of Fetchmas Challenge
Starting Friday 13th December

Remember it is YOUR Challenge! Adapt the challenges as you see fit, just keep the Fetchmas spirit.

♫♪ On the twelfth day of Fetchmas, FlyingScotsman gave to thee... ♫♪

12 Tricep Dips
11 Glorious Burpees
10 Sit-Ups
9 Glute Bridges
8 second Butterfly kicks
7 Bodyweight squats
6 New Year Targets/ Good Deeds
5*30s Festive Planks
4 Jumping Jacks
3 Pressups
2 christmas lunges
♫♪And a 1 minute wall sit for a fetchie ♫♪
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