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1000 miles in 2025

22 lurkers | 62 watchers
Par by the end of today is 194.5
Aug 2021
4:09pm, 1 Aug 2021
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Lesley C
Are they allowing events with 1000 people HS? In Scotland I don't think we can at the moment.

Good running all round and walking RFJ.

Managed to get what I wanted done this week, I am ahead of target so hoping to keep it that way. Early morning run in the forest this morning and I completed the Castle Challenge.

I need to get back to Strengthening work too GG. Easier said than done I have been so busy recently.
Aug 2021
5:04pm, 1 Aug 2021
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Seems like it Lesley, I think this morning's Eastleigh 10k had over 1,000.
Good to hear that you are ahead of target, and well done for this morning's forest run and completing the Castle Challenge.

Today is a rest day, and tomorrow we have a 12 mile road run in our Marathon training schedule.
Aug 2021
1:06pm, 2 Aug 2021
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8th week of Marathon training and we ran a hilly 12.58 miles on roads. It was the club's half marathon course, minus the field at the start and finish.
Aug 2021
5:17pm, 2 Aug 2021
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my wife is annoyingly (!!) on 914 for the year as I stay more or less stable but on track!
Great steady return to things gg.
Your marathon training looks spot on hs. Well completed Castle Challenge lesley.
Just out of interest what strengthening work are you--lesley and gg-- doing? My strengthening work (which probably isn't the real thing!) is doing a series of reps with weights followed by stretches once or twice a week. My latest more specific stretches seem to have improved the issue with my hip.
New shoes , Saucony Jazz22 and new orthotics have also possibly helped.
Just four miles this morning and it felt quite autumnal.
Aug 2021
8:50am, 3 Aug 2021
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Looby Loo
Well done Lesley and GG good to hear from you both.

Great distance HS.
Steve don’t thing you should compare you’re self to your Mrs as she sounds like a machine…
Going for a swim at 12. At the moment I’m the only one booked into the pool 🤞
Aug 2021
9:51am, 3 Aug 2021
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It’s funny how S&C takes last place when it’s so important.

I normally do workouts by Julia Buckley I am registered on her online gym her workouts are short and effective so many to chose from including programmes to follow. I was doing excellent last year but slacked recently. I do a variety of exercises with and without weights but largely do yoga style classes as it’s a lot of core and leg work and I’m trying to get back to foam rolling too after my near miss on injury I picked up doing loads but since the run again slacked. But it’s my intention to put more focus on it.

I’m at 947 for the year after starting this month with 12m I may have bunion correction surgery later this year so need to get miles in now and again a focus for strength to help with recovery.
Aug 2021
11:21am, 3 Aug 2021
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Thanks Steve and LL!

I gave up working out with weights quite a few years ago, as I bulked up, put on weight, and my running suffered. I do however, stretch every day, and do a version of yoga to help my flexibility and balance.

Hope you have a good swim LL, and that it's not a solo one 🏊‍♀️

Geordiegirl, leg and core work are very important, and I'm feeling stronger for persisting with it.
I hope the bunion correction surgery goes well!

Today is a rest day, so I must get on with my exercises 🤸‍♂️ It's many years since I last did a cartwheel 😁
Aug 2021
4:26pm, 3 Aug 2021
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I did an easy-paced 4mls. this morning. Yesterday, however, something unexpected happened. I planned to do 4x800m. at tempo pace - about 6:00/km., but then I felt OK so I pushed the last one quite hard, an to my surprise I did it in 3:57 (pace 4:56/km.), which is my quickest for a couple of years at least! I was quite chuffed - although some of you younger hares can do it much faster.
Aug 2021
5:00pm, 3 Aug 2021
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That's very impressive Evangel, I usually do my 800 metres in 4 minutes.
Aug 2021
9:30am, 4 Aug 2021
4,730 posts
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Oh My! 800 metres at the paces you (hs and evangel) do is just zipping along. I just have to accept that I will have to see your heels in the distance!!
You seem to have an all round approach to keeping in good nik gg and it's paying off, moving nicely towards the 1,000. Ugh to the bunion thing--I think I mentioned to you that a friend of ours who is 52 (ultra runner) had hers surgically removed recently (as did Paula Radcliffe!) and she's running ok again now..just 10k's but it did take four months of not running for her.
Nice to have a pool to yourself LL, maybe the crowded times will never return.
I never bulk up or put on weight hs and I only do weights etc to ensure muscle capability into even older age! I can't get to grips though with the idea that after a certain age we all lose muscle mass/strength by so much percent a year--logic suggests to me that if one fails to load the muscles then after a certain time we would have no muscle and no strength whatsoever, and that obviously can't be the case!
I'm on the back foot this week, felt dreadfully tired this morning and it would have been pointless going out running. Tut.

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Maintained by Lesley C
Welcome to the thread :-) to be on target you need to run 19 Miles per week or 2.7 Miles per day.

Target list can be found here - fetcheveryone.com/training-mileagetargets-filtered.php?category=RUN&mileage=1000
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