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1000 miles in 2025

8 lurkers | 62 watchers
Par by the end of today is 197.3
Aug 2021
3:14pm, 8 Aug 2021
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Lesley C
We only used to have 50-100 runners, our Parkrun wouldn’t cope with more than 200.
Aug 2021
3:41pm, 8 Aug 2021
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My nearest parkrun used to get about 300, which was ideal.
Aug 2021
9:01am, 9 Aug 2021
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Thanks Lesley re the strength training. Seems we all follow various programmes to suit.

A good second off your park run LL...well run!
1,200 on a park run is impressive on the one hand but I agree with you hs about not wanting to rub shoulders with such a crowd.
Haven't heard any news locally about the park runs yet... although it I won't/don't do them anyway. I know that some changes have naturally evolved on at least one park run route where very many more walkers and cyclists have taken to the paths on a Saturday morning; hopefully everyone can be accommodated without difficulty.
Just four miles again today on a bright perfect sunny morning.
Aug 2021
2:08pm, 9 Aug 2021
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A lovely morning here too Steve, hope you enjoyed your run.

We are now in week 9 of our Marathon training schedule and ran 15 miles in the forest. It was very wet and muddy, and plenty of walking and wading was necessary. We had to cross 2 fast flowing streams which were knee deep. The water was tepid, thanks to the sunshine. There is nothing worse than cold water.
Aug 2021
1:06pm, 10 Aug 2021
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Six miles was a struggle as I ran to my HRM and wanted my HR to behave. It didn't!! Dunno where I'll go in respect of getting somewhere back to what I'd consider normal/ok !
Now that run had a bit of everything hs! Knee deep water!!... exhilarating!😂
Aug 2021
1:29pm, 10 Aug 2021
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Steve, I tend to ignore the readings on Garmin Connect as they are so inaccurate in my opinion. For example, yesterday's 15 mile trail run was "unproductive." Another example is after a good 5k "your fitness is declining." I think the optical hr on the Garmin watch is also way out. On some slow runs, the average hr is much higher than for a fast pace run. I don't think that you should worry too much about your hr readings.

Today is a rest day, and surprisingly I don't have any aches or pains. They will probably appear tomorrow.
Aug 2021
4:26pm, 10 Aug 2021
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Looby Loo
Totally agree on the Garmin HR. I got a polar armband one which is much more accurate.

If I believed my numbers I shouldn’t be running.
Aug 2021
9:41pm, 10 Aug 2021
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I also have had variable HR readings from my Garmin: one day it will be really high, and another day very low for similar runs anon difference in how I have felt. Interestingly enough when the HR is high, then so is my calory figure, and with low HR, low calories. I don't worry about it or rely on it; my body tells me all I need to know.
Aug 2021
11:17am, 11 Aug 2021
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Thanks for your thoughts folks. I use and have only ever used a HRM with a chest strap--four differing makes and all give/have given readings that fall in line with efforts. It's really that I'm feeling c*** when my HR is only 130, I wouldn't mind if it were higher ! A couple of years ago I would run consistently at 143-145 bpm , feel good and be running at a pace almost two minutes a mile faster than I am now doing at 130 bpm. Using the same tow HRM'S. This morning I ran/WALKED, just over a mile to see how things were going; bearing in mind that this included a lot of "walks" and my HR was peaking at 126bpm which really should have had me jogging along quite nicely but at over 15 minute miling the engine isn't turning over as it should!

I agree to a degree with what you are all saying and I've been running long enough to broadly know how to run as I feel but the fact is that my HR is mirroring how I feel too. It's my worst period in forty odd years! I'd be a fool not to think about what's wrong; without being pessimistic or doomsday thinking an ultra running friend was having similar discouraging outings last year and ended up being diagnosed with something very nasty and terminal. That's why I had various tests done not so long ago.
Maybe I'll run better tomorrow!
Aug 2021
11:37am, 11 Aug 2021
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I've always assumed that hr getting lower when pushing the pace, was a sign that we were getting fitter, but this doesn't seem to be the case with you Steve, so I just don't know. I'm tending not to worry about the readings nowadays.

I did a training session this morning on a gravel track with 2 club mates comprising 6 x4 minutes at tempo pace, with 2 minutes jog recoveries between each. My max hr was 152.

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Maintained by Lesley C
Welcome to the thread :-) to be on target you need to run 19 Miles per week or 2.7 Miles per day.

Target list can be found here - fetcheveryone.com/training-mileagetargets-filtered.php?category=RUN&mileage=1000
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