Aug 2021
11:34am, 15 Aug 2021
4,742 posts
I forgot I was going to have a rest day! Did 5k which was far from ok! Geez, you threaders must be sick of my grumbles but with steely determination I'll be feeling good every day again soon. I dare not think about your tempo pace hs! Lovely place to be on a holiday LL...the Jersey Marathon is a really nice one to do so I'm told--not a huge number of entrants. Good sub 30 there on your park run. Park runs don't appear to be back here (there are five local ones) and some walkers and bike riders are not looking forward to their early morning efforts being hampered on the ridiculously narrow paths on a couple of them even if only for forty minutes.
Aug 2021
6:21pm, 15 Aug 2021
1,386 posts
Looby Loo
As a Walker/Runner Cyclist I do think the people who moan about the park being used for 30 minutes a week are selfish.
It’s completely over in 60 minutes with the field thinned out a lot by 30/40minutes.
Aug 2021
9:00am, 16 Aug 2021
4,743 posts
I think it might depend on the numbers involved LL and the width of some paths. You sound a more kindly person than some. I'm a cyclist, walker, runner too. I bet that Jersey run was somewhat nicer than the big local one here which has 800-1000 people. The park runs are back here this coming weekend after that absence since March 2020.
What a superb morning here, managed (!!) four miles which included one of the longest, steepest hills for miles around. Confess to having to walk up much of it but flew down on returning!
Aug 2021
10:50am, 16 Aug 2021
1,388 posts
Looby Loo
I just noticed I e lost my green tick for the month. Need to get back at it this week. Although I got 15 miles in on holiday it’s out me behind.
It was worth it as got to walk most of the coast.
Aug 2021
2:02pm, 16 Aug 2021
6,369 posts
Well done Steve, you are sounding more positive now!
LL, you'll soon get your green tick back.
Today was the start of week 10 of the Marathon training schedule, and we ran 16.3 miles in the forest over a hilly course. Conditions were ideal, not too hot, and ground drying out.
Aug 2021
11:44am, 17 Aug 2021
4,745 posts
!! I've been chasing a green tick since the end of June! I reckon you'll get yours pretty soon LL! No run yet today. Maybe not until tomorrow. 16 miles--great stuff hs.
Aug 2021
1:14pm, 17 Aug 2021
6,370 posts
Thanks Steve, making the most of my rest day, catching up on jobs that I have been putting off.
Aug 2021
7:38pm, 17 Aug 2021
1,392 posts
Looby Loo
You deserve a day off HS great distance should see you over the line this week. I did a really good 4 miles last night then a dreadful 7.5 today just shows how this running malarky is.
Aug 2021
10:20am, 18 Aug 2021
4,746 posts
I do jobs on rest days too hs! Surprising how much overall time I can devote to running, stretching, lifting etc and how little I invest in some others! Glad....well sort of....although I don't wish it on you LL but having a good 4 miler followed by a dreadful longer run makes me feel a bit less "poor" in my performances when of course , it's probably the same for a lot, if not all, people. Doing 7.5 though is good innit?! I haven't reached 8 yet this year. 5k this morning with my wife was okayish. It's the "ish" I want to get rid of.
Aug 2021
12:00pm, 18 Aug 2021
6,371 posts
LL, I find it just the same too, for example my easy pace 5 miles on roads on Sunday was a struggle, and yet Mondays hilly forest run of 16.4 "was a breeze!"
Steve, I think that you will soon get rid of "the ish."
This morning's session was 5.78 miles in the forest, comprising warm up, 5 x 3 minutes tempo, 2 minutes jog recoveries, warm down.