Jul 2019
6:33am, 31 Jul 2019
23,420 posts
Congratulations Lesley
Jul 2019
11:23am, 31 Jul 2019
8,308 posts
Glad is going well despite the early arrival Lesley. Hope all continues to be well.
Jul 2019
4:56pm, 31 Jul 2019
5,488 posts
Congratulations Lesley, that's wonderful news. Fingers crossed that everything goes well.
Steve, I had been worrying about my heart too, as I'd had some "dodgy" heart rate readings on my garmin, especially when running really slowly. I looked at the Garmin help web which advised that a common cause of erratic readings with the optical sensors was because the sensors needed cleaning. It suggested cleaning them with cold water. I tried that and these last few weeks the readings have been commensurate with effort. Another suggestion was that the watch strap might not have been tight enough.
I ran 7.76 miles in the forest this morning in my trail shoes. The first two miles were warming up and then I pushed hard for the remainder. My average pace was 9.41 minute miling, my quickest since my injury in June 2017.
Jul 2019
7:11pm, 31 Jul 2019
1,238 posts
Massive congratulations Lesley and I hope things continue to improve.
Peter.... don’t think I can’t see you creeping up on me 😜
Jul 2019
7:18pm, 31 Jul 2019
1,795 posts
Lesley C
Thank you everyone 🙂
Jul 2019
8:55pm, 31 Jul 2019
1,796 posts
Lesley C
Mrs B, he does have a name, took us a while to decide. He is doing well, but needs support breathing and is being fed through a tube. I am spending 4 hours a day connected to a pump. We can take him out of his incubator for a short while a day, it’s great but not the same as having him home. The nurses allow us to change nappies and feed him, it’s so hard leaving him at the end of the day. He’s in the right place though.
Aug 2019
9:31am, 1 Aug 2019
3,353 posts
a little late..but big congratulations Lesley. Enjoy the coming years! My brother was three months premature in 1951 and he was brought home in a shoe box! You now being a Mum reminds me that I started running three months after my daughter was born, forty odd years ago!
Aug 2019
3:25pm, 1 Aug 2019
5,489 posts
Lesley, hope you are soon able to take your baby son home with you!
Had a nasty fall this morning during the first mile of my run. Thankfully, it was on grass, and didn't do much damage. It shook me up though, and I cut my run short, just running 6.1 miles. More of a jog then a run.Will have a rest day tomorrow. My 21k trail run at the Salisbury 54321 event is a week on Sunday, so I must ease back on the mileage and avoid any more falls!
Aug 2019
9:11pm, 1 Aug 2019
9,386 posts
That's never a great week experience Hillstrider. :-(. I do hope it doesn't leave you bruised or knock your training back too much. But take it steady.
Aug 2019
11:14am, 2 Aug 2019
5,490 posts
Thanks Marky, I seem to have got off very lightly with no bruising, just a slight redness on my left knee cap. I think that when I stubbed my toe, I let my body "fly forward," and sort of roll over on landing, rather than just "splatting down." In those sort of circumstances, I think that we just react instinctively and hope for the best.