Aug 2019
3:40pm, 2 Aug 2019
3,354 posts
Nasty experience falling hillstrider, thank goodness it was at least on grass. You can always put concealer on that red kneecap so as not to spoil the image!! I can recall each fall I've had over forty years, luckily I guess they are quite rare for us all.
Aug 2019
5:58pm, 3 Aug 2019
5,491 posts
Thanks Steve! If it had been on tarmac it would have been a different story and possibly the end of my running career. It's several years since my last fall, so can't complain. My worst fall was probably whilst I was living in Liverpool and running on a pavement. A small child on a tricycle swerved in front of me and I sort of tried to jump over him. I hit the ground with a nasty thud and suffered quite a few cuts and bruises. I was able to get up and carry on though luckily. I couldn't now a days though, which is why I endeavour to do the majority of my runs off road. I ran 10 miles in the forest this morning, taking the first mile very cautiously.
Aug 2019
11:42am, 4 Aug 2019
3,358 posts
steve45 share a fall..!! worst "running fall" was in the first quarter mile of a half marathon in about 1984, I slipped on oil on a wet road surface, was out for the count for about twenty seconds, bled profusely from a lump on my knee and probably foolishly ran on to do a 1.25 half. I still have the calcified lump on my knee. Of course I was only in my "he man" thirties! Never again!!
Aug 2019
12:38pm, 4 Aug 2019
3,330 posts
I used to fall over fairly often, but am getting better at staying upright! Worst fall was a foot in a rabbit hole job, tore the ligaments in my foot and couldn’t run for 6 weeks.
Aug 2019
9:55am, 5 Aug 2019
3,359 posts
take that as a warrening to take care on grass! Six weeks off Mrsb? That must have been one of your longest down times.
Aug 2019
4:21pm, 5 Aug 2019
5,492 posts
Steve, that certainly was rather foolish to continue with the race, after such a nasty fall. However, we were all young and foolish once. An excellent time by the way, especially in the circumstances.
MrsB, that sounded like a really painful fall!
Ran 8.1 miles in the forest this morning with a club mate. We ran at a good pace, with occasional injections of higher speed.
Aug 2019
5:17pm, 5 Aug 2019
3,331 posts
It was awful! I was off work too for a lot of it as H&S deemed me unsafe to be in school on crutches (2nd floor lab, practical subject etc) thankfully Wimbledon was on! One day I was really proud of myself for managing to make a cup of tea, but then realised I would have to stand on one leg in the kitchen to drink it as there was no way I could carry it back to the sitting room.
Aug 2019
1:31pm, 6 Aug 2019
3,362 posts
ok..a bit obvious but you all "got" the pun above?! Yes hillstrider--it was more than foolish, wouldn't do it today!
Aug 2019
3:44pm, 6 Aug 2019
5,493 posts
Warrening, yes I got it! Is there a bit of "Alice in Wonderland" in there?
Did an interval session this morning which went very well. I did a long warm up and then 5,4,3,2,1 minute efforts with one minute walk recoveries between each. A long slow warm down to finish.
Aug 2019
3:44pm, 7 Aug 2019
5,495 posts
An easy pace 5.4 miles on roads this morning.