Jul 2019
9:56am, 26 Jul 2019
3,341 posts
Repetitive injury strain...luckily (!) nothing to do with running and not affecting it! Shoulder issue thanks to paint rollering a very large room for which I haven't been training!
Jul 2019
10:11am, 26 Jul 2019
3,344 posts
Just noticed that I went past 13,000 Fetch miles this morning.
Jul 2019
10:28am, 26 Jul 2019
4,216 posts
Congratulations steve, that's impressive mileage.
Jul 2019
12:18pm, 26 Jul 2019
9,362 posts
Well done Steve!
Still very muggy here, so I spent yesterday gardening in the full sun instead, and only went for a gentle short run this morning. But the weather is due to break tonight, so I have plans for tomorrow morning!
Jul 2019
12:24pm, 26 Jul 2019
3,324 posts
Today was supposed to be a rest day, but I’ve never been to Leeds before so decided to have a bit of a plod along the canal. Very pleasant it was too.
Very pleased that my son seems to be quite keen on this running lark - hopefully it will help with his mental health.
Jul 2019
3:47pm, 26 Jul 2019
5,482 posts
Steve, a bit hot to be roller painting a very large room. Did that include the ceiling, as that is back breaking? Well done passing the 13,000 miles mark registered on fetch. You've obviously done many more prior to logging them on here.
Marky, gardening is another backbreaking occupation, and especially draining this weather. Hope you have a good run in the morning.
MrsB, sounds very relaxing, plodding along the canal footpath. Good news that your son has shown a liking for running. I'm sure that it will help with his mental health. I always find going for a run is a great stress breaker, and always feel better on my return than before I set out.
Today is a rest day, but will be running in the morning.
Jul 2019
8:32am, 27 Jul 2019
8,291 posts
Dissembling a derelict greenhouse (and storing kindling for some years!) yesterday.
Stromness 10k today.
Jul 2019
8:36am, 27 Jul 2019
9,363 posts
Does anybody actually rest on their rest days?
Enjoy it Peter!
Jul 2019
11:49am, 27 Jul 2019
3,345 posts
hillstrider-- yes it did include the ceiling, foolishly! Untrained and trying to do a pb!! And yes, very many more miles not recorded on Fetch (over 20,000 in fact!). I'm one of the fortunate ones who doesn't run to eliminate stress or improve my mental health. During periods when life was the pits (two divorces!) for sure I was very miserable, I 'd been running for ten years before the first divorce and I guess I just kept up the habit. For me it was passing days that "healed" the injured mind. I tend to do weights on rest days!
Jul 2019
4:35pm, 27 Jul 2019
8,294 posts
Hot one. 54m34.