Nov 2018
6:41pm, 4 Nov 2018
3,086 posts
steve45 - I know - that's why I was taking it easy. Or rather it felt like I was taking it easy. No adverse effects so far. Gentle 8 miler today, but will probably rest now until Sunday.
Nov 2018
12:01pm, 5 Nov 2018
2,885 posts
I'd find it hard to do eight miles Mrsb! Your taking it easy is my hard effort! Gentle miles is still weight on that knee..a rest until Sunday sounds a wise move.
Nov 2018
10:32pm, 5 Nov 2018
3,088 posts
To be honest, my knee hurts more walking around school. I think it is weaving in and out around children that causes issues, but resting is a good idea, especially as I have meetings after school every day this week. Not looking forward to going out in the dark
Nov 2018
8:18am, 6 Nov 2018
1,569 posts
Lesley C
I know hillstrider, some folk really bang out the miles. I wish I could get out more, just don't have the time.
Definitely rest Mrs B. I wish I could get out in the daylight through the week, but it's dark when I get home from work now.
Well Evangel and also to your Mrs
Nov 2018
8:19am, 6 Nov 2018
1,570 posts
Lesley C
Sorry well done Evangel.
Nov 2018
9:16am, 6 Nov 2018
2,887 posts
We all enjoy different times of day for our runs-- I like running in the dark (mornings) and seeing the dawn come in but I can't take to evening runs these days. Also I run better on a completely empty stomach so dawn runs suit. (that wouldn't apply if I was intending go out running for a couple of hours but I don't do that these days either!) If I could run faster then I wouild certainly bang out far more miles too but as things stand, even though I'm retired, big miles would eat into the other things I like to do during the day. Niggles like that knee are curious Mrsb, I a lot of other people...niggles when walking or weaving about (!) but which seem to disappear on a run!
Nov 2018
10:55am, 6 Nov 2018
7,597 posts
No running past2 days after slow very wet plod around GO33
Nov 2018
10:57am, 6 Nov 2018
7,598 posts
No running past2 days after slow very wet plod around GO33
Nov 2018
11:55am, 6 Nov 2018
5,224 posts
The Oakhaven Forest Half Marathon on Sunday went really well. I paced a club mate to a new PB. Her target was 2.15, but being 100% off road, thought it would be more like 2.20. We ran it in 2.13.09, so she was really chuffed. We did get peeved at times, as we seemed to be being used as pacemakers to other runners, who "sat on our shoulders."
A good spin session this morning, which is excellent cross training.
Nov 2018
12:56pm, 6 Nov 2018
3,089 posts
I've never had the confidence to pace anyone, but I'd take it as a compliment if other people were using me as a pace maker as it would imply that my pace was consistent.