Nov 2018
3:51pm, 6 Nov 2018
5,225 posts
I do agree that it is complimentary to be used as a pacemaker, but I don't like it when those that have "used me" sprint over the finish line ahead of me. I consider that to be cheating 😖
Nov 2018
9:34am, 7 Nov 2018
2,889 posts
I used to be a pace on occasion, I'd forgotten that used to be very able!! The worst two words one can use--- "used to"!!
Nov 2018
9:35am, 7 Nov 2018
2,890 posts
meant to write " I used to be very able"..!
Nov 2018
11:49am, 7 Nov 2018
5,226 posts
Agreed Steve, I often think that I used to be able to run at sub whatever pace!
This mornings road run was a bit of a struggle. I ran 6.1 miles including round the Marina, which was into a very strong and cold head wind.
Nov 2018
1:47pm, 7 Nov 2018
7,603 posts
Not sure of that, Hillstrider, not that I have run with many Pacers. However on the couple of occasions I have (Castle of Mey 10k) the Pacers encouraged us to go for the line at the end.
Nov 2018
3:26pm, 7 Nov 2018
5,228 posts
Peter, I presume that they were official pacers and therefore, not competitors. I'm just a competitor and therefore want to finish as high up the finishing order as possible, especially if there is an age category prize at stake.
Nov 2018
3:27pm, 7 Nov 2018
1,572 posts
Lesley C
I haven't done many races with official pacers, would be a good help but not many small races have that. I do hate folk just pacing you all the way round then shoot off at the end. Even worse when they don't even acknowledge you at the end, it's just polite to say well done to others who finish about the same time as you.
Nov 2018
4:37pm, 7 Nov 2018
7,702 posts
I think it's the politeness thing as much as anything, Lesley. I've had people draught (draft?) me (use me as a windbreak, basically!) since I'm a bit taller and wider than the average bear, and admit to it afterwards, and I'm quite happy, but the miserable ones who just shoot off in the last 50 metres and don't acknowledge my existence are aggravating.
That said, I followed a young lady Vegan Runner for much of the 10k last Sunday, not so much for "pacing" as to actually keep going! i.e. If she can do this, so can I. (And then she accelerated away at 9km... so I couldn't even find her on Str*** with certainty to say thanks!)
Nov 2018
8:34pm, 7 Nov 2018
7,606 posts
Ah sorry, Hillstrider, thought you had meant you were acting as offial pacer. Now I understand fully.
One would have to be fairly desperate to resort to using you as a windbreak, Lesley 😉 No running yet but windy day up a couple of the Pentlands.
Nov 2018
9:31pm, 7 Nov 2018
1,573 posts
Lesley C
Folk have attempted it Peter 😉.