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Plantar Fasciitis??

109 watchers
Oct 2024
2:15pm, 3 Oct 2024
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Would add stretching with your toes back towards your face you find that helps. Do it before you get out of bed.
Oct 2024
2:23pm, 3 Oct 2024
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Nov 2024
5:35pm, 14 Nov 2024
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Lesley C
I am wondering if I have PF. I have pain (in one foot) in the middle along the arch and some in the heel. It's ok when running it's afterwards.

There was a bit of a niggle last week but more a definite pain this week. It wasn't too bad this morning during my run but very painful when I got out of the car at work.

I have the same running shoes so I don't think they are to blame. I'm not running big miles ATM.

I am sitting quite a bit at work, taking breaks and going for a walk at lunchtime, then walking to school and back in the afternoon (it's not far away). The chair I use is not the most supportive and I have tried others, orthopedic ones too as my bum gets sore. The orthopedic one is awful, it doesn't work for my seating position and using the computer or writing on my desk. I was so stiff after using it for two days. Will be complaining about the chair again to my manager.

I have some tight bits in my legs and hip, could be related to the chairs I don't know. I have added some strength training back to my routine after a couple of months off. Twice a week, nothing too hard and only using lightish dumbbells or kettle bell.

I have been foam rolling the tight bits and my foot and it seems to help at bit. Certainly feels better.

I bought new every day trainers the other week, so could be the culprit. Not wearing them all the time and changing to other shoes to do the school run feels good.

Any ideas/thoughts/resources to help please?

Sorry about the essay. Thank you šŸ˜Š
Nov 2024
6:26pm, 14 Nov 2024
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Hi Lesley, I have a grumbly plantar at the moment (caused by hitting the back of my heel and then continuing to run on it because it didn't hurt at the time; when it did start hurting it triggered three months of no running). My symptoms are pain moving around under my heel when starting to walk which wears off with movement (unless I overdo it) but it can also be a bit sore to weight-bear after sitting. My physio said the real tell that it's plantar is to press on the side of your heel (on the inside), a bit below and behind your ankle bone, to see if there's a sensitive spot.

My rehab is:
- comfy shoes whenever I'm outside, with lots of cushioning - my 'office flats' definitely made it worse. Minimising walking on hard surfaces eg pavements whenever possible - it was noticeably better on holiday recently. I've just started running again but only couch to 5k and on soft surfaces while I build back up.
- calf raises and lots of stretches - the physio had a good go at my knotty calf even though it doesn't normally bother me. Plus lots of foam rolling and stretching right down the leg as I tend to be tight down my glutes and hamstrings.
- golf ball in the plantar. Painful but effective.
- scrunching up a tea towel under my foot with my toes - apparently strengthens the plantar.

It's taking a while but doing this (most!) days is definitely helping. Physio was very happy with continuing my usual strength training plus cycling while not running, just making sure I warm up properly and stretch after.

Hope you can find some answers soon!
Nov 2024
8:29pm, 14 Nov 2024
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Lesley C
Thanks Cas, will have a good prod around the heel later. I do have pain in the heel sometimes, but it eases off.

I wear trainers 99.9% of the time, I did wear boots for a short while on Saturday, so maybe that has had an influence on it too.

My calves are tight so calf raises (a regular exercise for me) are a no go just now.

I am wondering if some tightness in the hip/legs is causing it.
Nov 2024
8:40pm, 14 Nov 2024
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Iā€™d say that a tightness in your hips/legs is likely linked to pain in your foot.

When I started increasing the distance that I ran when I first started running, I got a lot of ITB soreness and then PF.

Stretching, rolling and sports massages and orthotics sorted me out. Although others will have a different experience.

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Maintained by geordiegirl
Hi guys & gals

I know this will have been covered loads of times before but Iā€™m just wondering ...

Couple of links from HappyG(rrr) & CableTow


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