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The London Triathlon

Sun August 2 2009
Listed by Neil E Dunnin
Entrants (30)
Pred Swim Pred Bike Pred Run Swim T1 Bike T2 Run Total

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
AJPAR Under last years time of 2:22 would be nice. Very pleased with performance, will blog report.
28:00 1:08:00 39:00 27:30 0 1:05:02 0 34:59 2:07:31
Mornington Chasers
0 0 0 29:45 0 1:08:19 0 34:33 2:12:37
45:00 1:10:00 55:00 43:59 0 1:22:51 0 1:01:14 3:08:04
auburnette Team
Orpington Road Runners
47:30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Battlecat Dissapointed with the swim & bike but amazed by the run even if I allow for the 600m it was short I still pb'd.  Overall time compared to prediction is spot on
Dagenham 88 Runners
35:00 1:30:00 55:00 37:50 0 1:33:29 0 49:12 3:00:31
Big Gee
0 0 0 30:11 5:21 1:16:51 3:27 47:56 2:43:46
Reading Roadrunners
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Captain Tortoise
30:00 1:30:00 1:00:00 35:41 0 1:22:48 0 49:48 2:48:17
28:00 1:10:00 48:00 31:00 0 1:09:00 0 43:00 2:23:00
Dave45 Total time of 2:58:13.
Tim and Gaz watched.
Jenson Button participated.
0 0 0 42:20 0 1:15:03 0 49:01 2:46:24
EvilPixie 1st Olympic Distance - not going to be fast or pretty!
40:00 1:40:00 1:20:00 48:04 0 1:33:11 0 1:08:29 3:29:44
gavpugh run was short!
Mornington Chasers
0 0 0 31:55 0 1:10:24 0 36:21 2:18:40
35:00 1:20:00 50:00 34:01 0 1:12:38 0 48:12 2:34:51
Springfield Striders RC
0 0 0 39:59 0 57:36 0 56:23 2:33:58
0 0 0 36:56 0 1:25:27 0 45:02 2:47:25
Ilford AC
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
m4cca doing the olympic team event - I'm doing both the swim and the run...
what a day! well chuffed with the swim, but MEGA chuffed with Run, massive PB, even after the 1500m swim
36:00 0 48:00 36:13 0 0 0 43:19 1:19:32
0 0 0 27:36 0 1:17:46 0 45:20 2:30:42
Mary3 T1 - 4.54
T2 - 3.44

Total time - 2hrs 30 mins
0 0 0 28:54 0 1:08:00 0 44:30 2:21:24
Mazza aka Fitso Blimey that felt hard. Bit dissappointed by overall time.Must do better next year - if I can bear to do it again.
32:00 1:08:30 48:30 34:33 0 1:08:07 0 45:41 2:28:21
Mile Eater Mitch
0 0 0 26:08 0 1:04:05 0 37:48 2:08:01
Neil E Dunnin
Dumfries RC
0 0 0 30:10 0 1:18:22 0 51:28 2:40:00
paulcoz Good race bike hillier than expected but not so bad. Felt good during race no problems
Northbrook AC
46:00 2:00:00 1:00:00 36:10 0 1:16:37 0 44:59 2:37:46
0 0 0 32:28 0 1:16:00 0 44:26 2:32:54
sirchutney My first ever triathlon
0 0 0 31:59 0 1:19:07 0 51:24 2:42:30
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
The Lazy Jellyfish
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 27:12 0 1:18:56 0 43:05 2:29:13
Hatton Darts RC
0 0 0 30:14 0 1:12:03 0 48:42 2:30:59

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