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Strathaven Run With the Wind 10K

Listed by FitterStu
  • Rated 82%
  • 10km
  • Road
Entrants (19)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Boab Tough conditions today. Strong headwind and driving rain made it a toughie. Pleased to pick up first place, good race with my mate sunbed athlete.
32:25 32:42 32:42 82.20
Sunbed Athlete Good downhill parts followed sharply by tough inclines.Was going to say puddles but more like paddling pools to go through although the lead car moved most of the water out of the way for myself & Boab who was tucked in behind myself.Led from just after 1k until Boab passed me @ 9k to win the race..Nothing left in tank to go with him.Slippy bit @ end with leaves & the grass home strait to deal with.Otherthanthat a great wee race.Prizes were great,after race scran a delight esp with it being so wet & cold.Mrs Sunbed & Rocky up to support so good day all round.Congrats to ClaireT too.....:)
Cambuslang Harriers, Scottish Veteran Harriers Club
31:29 32:05 32:57 82.56
crocodile ferry
Harpenden Arrows
46:29 46:29 46:29 63.38
Stig-OT-Dump Gun time.  The wet ride over didn't help, feeling a bit cold before the start.  My lack of recent running showed, but really enjoyed myself and thought on the way round I'd be happy with under 42.  So... I'm happy.
39:38 41:13 41:14 66.97
50:54 52:46 52:46 57.01
Tizer Felt good, finished 14th
Falkirk Victoria Harriers
35:16 37:49 37:53 70.61
maisie a little slower than last year-I'll blame the rain.
Calderglen Harriers
44:15 45:55 47:05 70.04
Giffnock North AAC
47:25 52:12 52:40 57.38
45:12 49:07 49:07 58.78
gilly b 1 second slower than last year, if I'd known I was so close to my pb I'm sure I could have managed to go just that wee bit faster... Anyway, apart from the weather another great day in Strathaven, a great wee race, really well organised and the soup and home baking after always goes down a treat!
47:58 47:59 47:59 64.62
ClaireT Felt really good today, powered along. Shame about the atrocious weather, blimey! Freezing cold, wet and into a headwind. Bit dissapointed with time, was hoping for a minute or so faster. Finished first lady though, for second year running. Well done to Boab and Sunbed Athlete for 1st and 2nd.
Victoria Park - City of Glasgow AC, Scottish Veteran Harriers Club
38:11 38:36 39:08 74.10
Kinross Road Runners
36:07 40:31 40:31 65.16
HBNS Finished 11th (2nd MV50), should've been much better. Had to stop after 2 mins to tie laces with chip on it, then worked through again but was on my own behind a group of 5 I should have been with. Eventually caught some near the end.
Cambuslang Harriers
35:24 36:36 36:20 36:39 81.75
grammcen Enjoyed the race today even with the weather better than I thought I would do but just short of a PB.
Motherwell AC, Royal Mail Run GMC
39:32 40:01 43:00 40:05 66.47
Miles Monroe I really should be happy with that. Really.
42:50 45:58 45:00 45:58 66.89
linda c
46:04 47:44 48:00 47:56 62.76
FitterStu Training is not quite as good in the month leading up to this. Will be going for a PB though. UPDATE Chip Time. A 10K time that I didn't think was possible for me. Absolutely delighted. Net downhill course but I'll take it. Weather was horrible with very heavy rain throughout but race went like clockwork with a much appreciated cup of soup and roll at the end. Fabulous.
49:11 52:54 56:00 52:54 53.03
Dvorak The wettest conditions I have ever raced in.  Having said that, happy with performance.  Almost asleep on the bus up.  After speaking with GrantyBoy on the first part, fell in with someone called Jane from Alexandria and ran the rest with her.  She was also coming back from injury so didn't want to push it and we chatted our way round at an almost metronomic pace: it was almost a surprise to find each time another K had passed. And even sped up a bit at the end.  Then went to the leisure centre and spent a long time in the steamroom/ sauna/ jacuzzi.  Well done to the Fetchie prize winners!
48:39 52:00 57:00 55:48 50.68
Gus Wet!!!!
Jogscotland On The Run Cumbernauld
1:04:16 1:08:42 1:06:00 1:12:24 47.16

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