New York Marathon

Listed by surreystriderâ„¢
  • Rated 82%
  • 26.2mi
  • Road
Entrants (30)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Reading Roadrunners
Scobos A brilliant jog through the 5 Boros...great fun!
Shettleston Harriers
2:42:59 2:42:59 3:02:53 68.09
DJ Bangey My first marathon, went really well for the first 18 miles then i started to struggle. After that it was a case of hanging on for my sub 3 hour goal. Just managed to in the end, so really happy. Fantastic crowds and support.
Kendal AC
2:43:42 2:58:43 2:57:00 2:58:43 68.63
Mornington Chasers
2:46:09 2:46:09 2:58:29 68.48
DaveH In! OUT! A hamstring pull three weeks before and a seriously moronic 1:33 first half in the Tigger costume led to a seriously rubbish and painful second half
2:54:40 2:54:40 3:00:00 3:46:00 53.79
2:54:42 3:51:19 3:51:19 52.84
2:55:45 2:55:45 2:55:00 2:55:45 69.17
Limpet Have to catch the Staten Island ferry at 6:00am 'O Joy'
No: 5210
2:58:14 3:02:35 3:10:00 3:02:35 68.66
Stourbridge RC, Black Country Triathletes
3:01:27 3:09:42 3:09:42 64.09
Alnwick Harriers
3:07:34 3:09:53 3:09:53 70.52
WineRunner52 Ran with Josh
Road Runners Club
3:11:49 4:42:13 4:15:00 5:45:56 41.94
purplehippo This was TOUGH, but best race I've ever ran!! How loud & vocal & supportive are Americans?!! Loved every minute from getting up all excited at 3.30am!!
Kilmarnock Harriers & AC
3:18:39 3:18:39 3:22:00 3:18:39 69.51
Sunderland Strollers
3:26:17 3:37:25 3:52:14 52.34
the bisop
3:28:41 4:50:58 5:00:00 4:50:58 41.90
Tom Bedwell
London Heathside Runners AC
3:29:49 4:12:49 4:12:49 48.08
Sam Davies Was on for a 3.20 - 3.25 finish up to mile 23 but cramped up in miles 24 and 25. Finished last three with 9 minute miles.

An amazing experience though
3:32:01 3:32:01 3:45:00 3:32:01 58.09
Bellahouston Road Runners, Skye & Lochalsh Running Club
3:40:33 3:40:33
3:42:43 3:42:43 3:42:43 55.91
DIY Diva I was all ready and wotnot but the bliddy pen I was in had peeps struggling up the 1st mile and walking by mile 3. I just thought sod this I'm not threading through folks for the next 23 miles and had a bimble.
Very happy and all that but left with a feeling that I wish there were some validating of your ability to be in a 3.45 pen.
Ranelagh Harriers, Vets AC
3:43:10 4:04:24 4:04:24 57.81
Stockport Harriers & AC
3:45:07 3:55:36 3:55:36 58.25
Paul W
3:46:41 4:00:05 3:50:00 4:00:05 59.88
Mornington Chasers
3:48:36 3:59:26 3:59:26 56.06
3:53:42 3:56:49 4:14:30 48.93
Gibster New York - excellent trip, finished work and went over to New York, race suffered in the latter stages due to cram, great experience
Stainland Lions RC
3:54:11 4:20:41 4:15:00 4:28:26 49.04
Southport Waterloo AC, New York Road Runners Club
3:55:39 4:27:55 4:33:09 49.45
Debbie G Travelling with 2:09 events :-)

Well the day has come and I'm off to New York today :-) 

Training went really well until about 3 weeks ago then v heavy cold put paid to all training :-( then recently I've picked up an injury due to a tight IT band so sunday will now very much be a tougher experience than I had hoped - but I will do all I can to finish and get my medal !

Brilliant experience - managed to run at 4:15 pace till around 15 miles then decided to take it easy and protect my leg so run/walked the remainder.
Stowmarket Striders RC
3:58:05 4:52:18 4:30:00 4:52:18 47.93
Stadium Runners
4:01:44 4:01:44
Road Runners Club
4:28:44 5:45:58 5:45:58 47.18
monkey harris well happy just been accepted through the ballot, i will be fresh for this
4:33:28 5:02:12 4:20:00 5:02:12 41.80
LyndseyLou My first marathon, and I  loved it.  I am so chuffed I could float away.  I was looking for 4:30 a couple of months agao, but an injury to the knee (possible ITB) meant I revised my plans to just getting round, and running as far as I could before the knee gave up.  Set off on 4:30 pace, and held it to half way, then just started getting a bit slower and slower every mile, but I ran the lot, the knee held together, and I loved it.
4:41:54 4:41:54 4:30:00 4:41:54 47.56

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