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Markfield 10k - LRRL Winter (2)

Listed by Ally2
Entrants (26)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Bimble B
1:03:00 1:03:28 1:10:00 1:06:21 49.15
Ivanhoe Runners
46:47 50:40 50:40 58.35
Debbie Crich Bad race. Recovering from injury. Legs really tired and hald to walk loads.
Could do better!
Hermitage Harriers RC
55:35 55:46 1:05:18 45.51
Hermitage Harriers RC
38:24 38:24
Holme Pierrepont RC
Happy as Larry I want this one!!, with all the quality training I’ve been doing on the track this month, I reckon I can do it! :-)
34:34 34:34 35:59 35:47 74.76
hellen hadnt realised quite how hilly it would be, went too fast up the second hill so after that was just hanging on, pleased to be only 45s off my PB on such a tough course
100 Marathon Club, Barrow Runners
39:29 49:07 50:58 57.48
Hen Harrier
Hermitage Harriers RC
1:08:12 1:08:12 1:13:08 41.13
ironman went for that illusive 40 min goal, and failed again. 25years and still waiting. dropped 60 seconds in the last 5km. still got a PB though after 8 hours of cycle training in the previous 5 days.
Birstall RC, Leicester Triathlon Club
40:23 40:23 41:05 66.69
John-James Hoping to get to this race but it is the day after I get back from Finland.

Considering how little running I have done over the last 2 weeks, and the fact that I didn't get back from Finland until 1am, I am fairly happy with this time.  Nice race, nice weather, but that last hill going up to 9k sucked the energy from my legs!
42:31 45:00 48:00 45:00 58.67
JovialGnome Who knows? Training has been rubbish due to dodgy ankle but I'll be there giving it my best shot in the hope that I can beat last year's 1.04!!
And I didn't manage it - 2 minutes slower tha last year boohoo! Having said that, it's the fastest I've run for over two months and it taught me a couple of other things too so onwards & upwards!
58:37 1:01:10 1:06:29 45.85
Kenny 2 trays
Barrow Runners
44:58 47:23 51:35 51.26
Hermitage Harriers RC
54:17 54:17 1:02:40 46.27
Stilton Striders RC
44:32 45:49 45:49 60.74
Mountainmat I am hoping that this race is my date with destiny to run my first ever sub 40 minute 10k, an ambition I have held for about 2 1/2 years. 
I am very happy with my time, although the course was hillier than I expected.
Hermitage Harriers RC
37:35 38:36 39:00 38:59 67.72
37:00 37:00 37:00 71.35
Racin Snail
Hermitage Harriers RC
36:50 37:15 37:20 71.36
Rich963 Felt a lot stronger than for a while.  Started steady and then worked through the field from 3k onwards, even taking about 10 in the last km.  125th place, 7th counter (66 places better than last time out!).  Ran without Garmin.  Fourth time on the course - still all between 41.24 and 42.07.
Stilton Striders RC
39:49 39:49 42:00 62.88
ross52477 Unconfirmed time but felt good after 2 hour bike ride the day before.  Perfect running conditions.  Set off at 7 min mile pace and managed to reel in Nigel and Mon.  No luck with James today - great run mate.
Barrow Runners
40:31 40:31 43:18 60.97
Hermitage Harriers RC
41:38 44:06 44:06 61.68
Scouse Bird last year I did 1hr 3min 33 sec so I am hoping to get a PB on this one! Push up any inclines and mentally get through this one! Not done any running/training since my last LRRL race, but I will still turn up and run it oOOpsy did `i say run, I meant RACE IT!!! x x x

YAYZERS I DID IT!! Whoop whoop, no injury, they have re surfaced the road/hill where I got my injury! How kind! HA Well done on those of you who betted on me!!!!!! x x x x x
Fleckney and Kibworth Running Club
50:19 50:19 1:00:00 56:53 50.67
sLickster 42.34 Took it as an easy run after doing two track races the day before. Just ran hard up the hills!
Team derby runner
39:17 39:52 42:34 62.02
smurf jo
Hermitage Harriers RC
41:35 44:47 48:00 46:40 63.35
100 Marathon Club, Roadhoggs Leicester AC
42:40 44:16 46:45 45:22 66.05
39:47 40:06 1:13:08 39.95
Vi Ninety Day Challenge
Burton AC
1:00:20 1:01:00 1:05:22 41.12

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