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Fetcheveryone Eastern 1 Mile Challenge

Sat December 15 2007
Listed by Forest Faerie
Entrants (14)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
BigRedFace Managed 6.20 on the road for an estimated mile.  It hurt though, so I'm not sure if there are may more seconds to squeeze out!
Great Bentley RC
6:07 6:07 6:15 6:07 63.31
Blotts Mate
West Suffolk Triathlon Club
5:56 6:06 6:06 73.92
CanaryYellow I havent got a clue how slowly i can run a mile, quickly i mean quickly...I have guessed at 8.15??
6:30 7:34 8:15 7:34 51.28
Forest Faerie Never run a timed mile before so will be interested in seeing what I can do...baring in mind I am not a sprinty type person
Thetford AC
6:52 7:23 7:10 7:23 58.59
Girlie Having been out the night before to the 02 to see Madness, racing 2 weeks earlier and still recovering from NY, this is probably optimistic!  
A very cold day, but enjoyable event with loads of Fetchies!  Managed 9:12 which is the fastest I have run in a race, only been faster in an interval session which was shorter!  This was the first time I had ever run on a track as well, so didn't know what to expect, know what to do next time and will practice to improve that time.
Lonely Goat RC
8:10 9:12 9:00 9:12 47.02
Bedford Harriers AC
5:51 6:15 6:15 61.87
mile muncher Possibly on the optimistic side, but with the wind behind me......
Thetford AC
7:06 7:23 7:30 7:23 59.27
mxhornet Oh I better do it and bin the Tooting one ;)
Bure Valley Harriers
4:33 5:52 5:59 5:52 72.08
Bedford Harriers AC, LDWA
6:17 6:17 6:30 6:17 66.14
Bedford Harriers AC
8:44 9:19 10:05 9:19 47.99
Simontr Fetch 1 mile event at Bury track - very cold
Bushfield Joggers
6:29 6:34 6:34 65.54
TecT Hoping to be there with both little TecT's..... :)
6:46 6:46 6:59 6:46 58.22
Ted Will aim to be there, things are OK at this time.  Prediction based off of Macmillan running calcuguess

Pleased with the end result as it was so cold on the final straight.  4 times it was.
Ramsey Cycling Club
5:46 6:50 6:34 6:50 58.37
tuga weekend after Bedford half, i don't know....
Newmarket Joggers
7:54 9:06 11:15 9:06 47.53

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