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Dunfermline Half Marathon

Entrants (28)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Baza Just using it as a long training run and to support my local half marathon, don't waste any bets on this one. Legs will probably be tight after the 5K on the Saturday anyway. *Update* Okay 5K is cancelled, legs may be fine as resting Fri & Sat. Had a good weeks training so hopefully will be quicker than 1st thought. *UPDATE* Watch time says 1:25:00, I'm hoping the chip says a second less :-) Good run today, enjoyed it more than I thought. Struggled from 7 to 10 which cost me a few seconds. Good to see a lot of Fetchies today, well done everyone. P.S. It chucked it down monsoon style at 4pm today, we were lucky with the weather I reckon *UPDATE 2* official chip time is 1:24:59.
Carnegie Harriers
1:23:13 1:24:27 1:35:00 1:24:59 67.75
Bluecollar Well, was quite surprised by my time today as have not done much running since the Edinburgh half last month. Heard the course was hilly but it wasn't as bad as  was expecting.  Lots of hills but none that steep. All in all I was quite pleased with 1h49min.
1:43:54 1:48:40 1:57:00 1:49:16 52.60
Bonio Found it very hard today.  Must still be tired after North Berwick.  And much warmer than I expected, and dressed for!
Harmeny AC
2:03:09 2:03:09 2:10:00 2:08:43 60.79
Bosun Tony Not sure how I will get on, legs might still be a bit weary for a good time
UPDATE: warm day, more hills than I expected !!  still, time was ok and felt strong at the end. Maybe there is a pb in me on a different course
1:29:55 1:36:30 1:45:00 1:36:30 66.06
cake muncher
Falkland Trail Runners
1:17:15 1:18:00 1:20:20 76.07
1:28:47 1:28:47 1:32:27 62.17
1:29:18 1:36:21 1:40:05 58.71
Donald S
Harmeny AC
1:29:10 1:38:38 1:43:06 64.04
e_l_piper Good race, got cramp at last downhill with the finish line in sight.
1:37:00 1:37:00 1:40:00 1:55:00 49.98
edso90 Use this as a training run and concentrate on pacing. Hilly I believe so won't be looking for  pb....and I never got one! Pleased with performance on a hilly course on a warm day.
Edinburgh Athletic Club
1:33:00 1:40:47 1:50:00 1:45:16 58.54
Fae Fife Using as last long run for Edinburgh Marathon and it's my town of birth all those years ago. UPDATE. What a lovely day it turned out to be.Really enjoyed the race and even had a wee bit left at the end for the sprint!
1:33:45 1:37:12 1:39:00 1:37:12 66.74
Hibeedeb I'd like to pb, but it's not likely as I'm too fat and undertrained!  Well, that was grim - HR way too high, and my pace was the same as my easy training runs.  hmmmmm.   :-(
Pirate Ship Of Fools
1:52:38 1:54:16 1:53:00 2:04:47 57.51
Holburnmum God it was hot !! Quite hilly too but glad I did it.
Jogscotland Hazlehead
2:18:56 2:18:56 2:21:30 2:23:40 46.93
Victoria Park - City of Glasgow AC
1:16:33 1:49:09 1:50:03 52.32
Harmeny AC
1:38:50 1:38:50 1:49:44 59.64
1:31:15 1:38:36 1:35:00 1:38:36 59.59
1:32:39 1:44:12 1:44:12 55.18
pj bongo 24th senior male. 
37th overall.
Working until 1am the night before.
No stopwatch to track my pace.
1:24:53 1:24:53 1:25:00 1:27:01 80.37
racheybabes Legs felt tired after last weeks 20 mile race but pleased to do a negative split. Sunny day, marshals were great!! Not sure of my exact time but it was 1:49:??.
1:39:27 1:44:06 1:49:00 57.68
Rosemount Raver
JogScotland Rosemount, Jogscotland WFT Aberdeen
3:06:28 3:17:28 3:05:21 3:17:28 32.58
Edinburgh Running Network
1:41:05 1:50:00
Smout Oh that was bumpier than i expected!  Maybe last week Edin to NB stole my sharpness cos sluggish from the start.  Still mostly enjoyed it tho :)
Portobello RC, UKnetrunner
1:26:31 1:46:05 1:46:00 1:47:50 58.27
Son of a Pronator Man Running has not been
Edinburgh Athletic Club
1:25:25 1:30:36 1:31:58 68.72
Sunbed Athlete Took 7th place but 6th Scot so thats 15pts for the Grand Prix so good day.Weather very warm tho a tad breezy heading up towards East End Park.Was 6th @ the turn.
Either im 3rd Vet in Scottish Half Marathon C'ships or 2nd V35.Couldnt wait for presentation so hopefully find out soon.
Good meeting Son of a Pronator Man,LorraineS & other Fetchies.
Lord Provosts speach was wearing me thin.She went on & on & on whilst we were waiting to start the race.
Cambuslang Harriers, Scottish Veteran Harriers Club
1:08:56 1:09:42 1:14:25 78.96
Harmeny AC
1:31:12 1:31:12 1:32:12 66.28
Cumbernauld AAC, Scottish Veteran Harriers Club
1:14:11 1:18:31 1:21:59 70.61
Yano Ran twice, PB twice. You have to dream ... Post-race LOL, ok time to stop dreaming and get real. It's only 3 weeks since the Lochaber Marathon and I have done no serious speed training for 2 years! So its not likely I'm going to get a PB until a) I fully recover and b) I do more tempo running. Tried to run at decent speed today, 7 miles in 52mins should have been ok but legs still felt like lead and the heat didn't help. Slowed down and averaged 8s for the last 6. Ho hum. Well done to kyt who beat me by 1min 40. This is a good course and hopefully I'll get another PB here one of these days. 166/662, just about sneaked in top 25%. Time to rest now and I'll be back faster and stronger in a few weeks time.
1:29:45 1:39:39 1:29:00 1:40:16 57.97

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