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Ayr Turkey Trot 10k

Listed by RichyC
  • Rated 84%
  • 10km
  • Road
Entrants (20)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Kilmarnock Harriers & AC
35:21 34:00
Sunbed Athlete 3rd place but was awarded 1st V40.
Tough conditions as gale force winds battered the town.
See blog!
Cambuslang Harriers, Scottish Veteran Harriers Club
31:29 31:47 33:38 82.10
bedlam_g Ayr Turkey Trot - Horrible race first 3 miles against a 30mph wall of wind and sand. Finished 7th in 35.55 (probably 7th V40).  I reckon I had a good run!
Bellahouston Road Runners, Cumbernauld AAC, Kilmarnock Harriers & AC, Scottish Veteran Harriers Club
34:01 34:47 35:56 76.24
35:48 36:14 36:50 71.78
hannkies Slowest time in a few years but conditions dictated times were going to be slower so shouldn't grumble. Wild for the first 3K and although the last half was fast you never gain what you lose, and how Davie Clark smashed his pb is beyond me ! Well done big man, superb. Great organised event as usual. I was 11th overall.
Kilmarnock Harriers & AC, Scottish Veteran Harriers Club
34:21 36:16 36:18 77.28
daviec Stormy conditions put paid to my sub 36 plans in the first 2 miles, but I came very close in the end and I reckon I could have been low 35s on a calm day.
Splits say it all : 6.19 6.16 5.39 5.52 5.42 5.28 1.06
Still a PB by just over a minute, and guaranteed more to come in the new year. Fine end to 2011, bring on 2012!! :)
Carnegie Harriers
36:20 36:20 35:59 36:20 73.33
Gokeith not  good,conditions not to blame,just a cr@p run
Kilmarnock Harriers & AC, Loudoun Runners AC
33:13 36:45 36:45 76.95
clairevmc My time says it all!  Impossible to run at any speed today with severe gale force winds along the promenade.  Wind behind for the final few k and my splits were pb-worthy for a couple of k towards the end but up to 5min/k in the opening ks as we ran straight into the wind.  Sand blowing up from the beach made for miserable conditions.  Felt like stopping before I'd even run a mile but carried on, finishing 3rd lady, having been as low as 7th for a while.
Hamilton Harriers, Scottish Veteran Harriers
37:58 38:44 41:23 70.28
42:29 42:31 42:31 64.44
ian9657 decided to do the 10k at noon after completing the earlier 5k at 11:15, see blog
41:35 42:59 48:13 63.77
Bellahouston Harriers
43:51 43:51 47:09 66.97
Kilmarnock Harriers & AC, scottish athletics
42:28 44:59 45:53 59.71
100 Marathon Club, City of Salisbury A & RC, Winchester & District AC
35:30 46:11 46:11 58.90
41:42 46:13 46:13 57.88
43:04 46:17 49:06 58.64
linda c Great race..........terrible conditions but it made it all the more challenging.  Really enjoyed it.
46:04 46:56 48:54 62.39
41:29 47:11 47:11 57.65
Giffnock North AAC
46:57 49:33 52:00 61.35
Giffnock North AAC, glasgow running network
49:53 49:53 55:02 49.78
39:52 1:03:18 1:06:39 44.15

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