Jun 2008
11:06am, 27 Jun 2008
806 posts
Anorexia has become a trend amongst middle age women now, even! I disagree, so i'll leave it at that!
Jun 2008
11:07am, 27 Jun 2008
807 posts
Lol VRap - how are you younger than 20 years ago? I need to know, i don't want to age
Jun 2008
11:14am, 27 Jun 2008
806 posts
maybe they could make games consoles which only work so long as you keep peddling/working the hamster wheel to make power for it Oi been eating chocolate, walnut and cherry cake. Mostly made of chocolate
Jun 2008
11:20am, 27 Jun 2008
19,611 posts
I'm taller and fatter than 20 years ago oh and I have less hair.
There are many different eating disorders to choose from but I dont think any are that acceptable.
Anorexia has been common for many years amongst girls just look at Karen Carpenter In athletics I have to be very careful with what I say and how I advise athletes.
People are as a rule larger though which I think makes slim people look even more extreme
Jun 2008
11:21am, 27 Jun 2008
4,993 posts
DrBob they do. Next Generation has a kids gym which has them and my gym used to have an old exercise bike stylee machine that had a games pad and TV attached to it but they are VERY expensive
Jun 2008
11:22am, 27 Jun 2008
3,701 posts
Obviously we move in very different social and occupational circles, Finders. Or live on different planets.
Age is a state of mind. I got the middle-aged and respectable nonsense out of the way early in life and am revelling in senile delinquency
Jun 2008
11:25am, 27 Jun 2008
19,614 posts
you rebel without a clue you
Jun 2008
11:25am, 27 Jun 2008
808 posts
yeah they would be! It would limit the time kids spent playing games though. My daughter managed about 3 mins very slow jogging a couple of weeks ago before her heart rate hit max and she had to stop. She's now up to about 8 mins Amazing how the body adapts so quickly to training/exercise. Of course when I was a kid we didn't get fat as we spent all day exploring away from home every time we had the opportunity, eating the odd turnip just to keep us going. Plus we had to walk to school and did PE while we were there.
Jun 2008
11:30am, 27 Jun 2008
19,616 posts
My daughter ran 9.02 for a mile and 35.16 for 5kms when she was 6, we hope to lower these scores this year.
The body is an amazing machine
Jun 2008
11:31am, 27 Jun 2008
809 posts
Well i work with primary school age children and have known 7 year old girls who are on 'diets' and call other normal sized children FAT. I also see a playground full of middle age mums competing to be the next to reach a size zero.
Gobi - you are right anorexia has been common for a long time, i think maybe its becoming more focused upon in the media? I know that when my sister was very poorly in the early 90's that still not alot was known about anorexia/eating disorders in general.
Kids do have a lot more games consoles at home don't they, than we used to, but i'm happy to see that physical activity si encouraged alot more at school.