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16:8 eating window

12 watchers
Feb 2021
4:41pm, 1 Feb 2021
568 posts
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Well done HOD, that's impressive.

I've lost 7 pounds in 12 weeks but the only thing I've cut out/down is milk in coffee during the fast. Despite all the hype about Intermittent Fasting, I reckon it is more to do with calorie reduction but it doesn't feel like it.

I allow myself 3 times per month to deviate from a minimum of 18 hours fasting so that I have a bit of leeway. (Made much easier with lockdown & cafes being shut.)
Feb 2021
7:23pm, 1 Feb 2021
35,396 posts
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Hills of Death (HOD)
Yes I think that’s the frostie part you need to treat yourself now and then.
Feb 2021
9:36am, 2 Feb 2021
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Paul N
When I'm being focused I would fast between 12 - 16 hours most days. Occasionally go as far as 24.

I've not massive amounts of weight to play with, but i would like to bring body fat down a bit - pure unadulterated vanity/mid life crisis.

Having got a little lax at the back of last year I moved from 11st 5 to 10st 9 over the course of January, and shifted BP% from 15% to 13% (we've one of those Fit Track scales). I would say I seen a marked improvement in running performance, and generally feel better for it.

But that was done in conjunction with lots of running (a little extra to the norm), yoga (new) and strength training (new). And monitoring (rather than counting) calories and macros, generally eating better. In addition to IF.

Calorie intake is generally between 2,500 - 3,500 kCal, depending on running volumes. I can quite easily get >2,000 kCal on board with one meal. It actually frightens me to think what my calories intake could be when not monitored. There must be days I hit 5,000 - 6,000 kCals, without even thinking about it, and I would imagine there are days when those number are dwarfed.

I'm quite interested in the fat adaptation benefits of IF and would do quiet a bit of low intensity runs when fasted - up to 24 hours in. Though I think the benefits are probably speculative at best. Jason Koop always like to kick lumps out of the concept and he seems to know what he is taking about most of the time.
Feb 2021
10:03am, 2 Feb 2021
569 posts
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13% Body fat is a terrific result, Paul ... you must be really strict with what you eat as I can't imagine exercise alone would get you there.

Sounds like you're getting into professional athlete territory - Good for you!
Feb 2021
10:21am, 2 Feb 2021
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Paul N
That's with smart scales, rather than anything more scientific, so the precise % may be open for debate, but the direction of travel is correct. I would like to get a proper analysis done at some point.

I don't think I have to be strict per se, I eat a lot, and it's varied - I'm not adverse to spoiling myself. But I do need to be mindful, especially around breads and other simple carbs. I try to keep my Carb macro to no more than 50%. Which probably isn't ideal for running, but my running is primarily for recreation.

I'm 40 in a few months and conscious that I didn't treat my body with much respect in my 20's and for a larger portion of my 30's. I'm lucky at this point that I am in a position to make decisions about fine tuning.

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Maintained by Hills of Death (HOD)
Anyone tried this for weight management or to drop some poundage. Sounds temping 🤔
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