Advice for an overweight newbie?

6 watchers
Mar 2020
2:01pm, 11 Mar 2020
2 posts
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Thank you to everyone that took time out to reply, much appreciated. I’m feeling very positive and I have downloaded C25K and will start tonight after work. Thanks again for the advice. I’ll let you know how I’m getting on. 😁
Mar 2020
2:10pm, 11 Mar 2020
7,898 posts
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Welcome to fetch. Please let us know how it goes. :-)
Mar 2020
2:23pm, 11 Mar 2020
38,603 posts
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Derby Tup
Yes, updates are always good to see :-)
Mar 2020
10:34am, 12 Mar 2020
34,433 posts
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Welcome to Fetch and keep us posted on your progress. You've already got great advice - I was going to say brisk walk before running too. It's about getting heart rate up, getting sweaty, doing it for 30 mins, doing it 3 times a week and building up good habits. Once you are in the habit of it, moving on to run/walk though couch to 5K type programme will be much more natural.

Can I say big well done to anyonebutMatt too. That's a fabulous testimony and success.

Find things to love too, so it's a treat not a chore
- do it with friends if you like doing things with others
- do it alone if you like alone time
- go places that you like exploring, parks, hills or countryside (or conversely, stay safe, local areas if that makes you feel more comfortable)
- get some good bling kit, if buying kit is your thing
- make sure you have warm kit, so that weather never stops you
- use goals to motivate you (the Fetch games that people listed above are great)
- record your progress and marvel at how much you are building up
- measure time doing it, not the distance or the pace (we've got a thread where we log the time we spend doing things, not distance or speed, come join us?!)

Welcome to a whole new world of fun (and madness) of the running/activity community! :-) G
Mar 2020
1:26pm, 17 Mar 2020
12,161 posts
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Welcome to Fetch How_Far?? and the best of wishes in your path - everyone else has made such good points, I will refrain from repeating them. Getting the body used to exercise is important, hence many suggestions to start by walking, which will strengthen the supporting body muscles, then starting to run. We all look forward to hearing your progress. :)
Jul 2020
2:15pm, 1 Jul 2020
35 posts
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Hi How_Far?? Lots of good stuff already on here, I started brisk walking as some others have mentioned as I was about 20 stone but then started c25k when I was around the same as you. Found it hard at first and the first two weeks to more like a month to complete but it’s all about finding your pace. Managed a 10k race about 5 months in, with some walking, and have never looked back. Keep positive, don’t bother if you’re not fast enough, just plot your progress and see what affects it for the better or worse. Good luck

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Maintained by How_Far??
Hello, I’d like to get some advice on whether or not I’m ready to start running. I was 19st but ...

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