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Wot? Pardon? Do you have hearing problems?!?!

16 watchers
Jan 2023
12:25pm, 20 Jan 2023
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I’ve had hearing aids for several years and I’ve just had a reassessment.

My hearing is worse. And getting closer to the moderate severe range.

Obviously whilst there I had no questions but now I do!

I now have shiny new Bluetooth aids 😁

As my hearing has deteriorated should I consider learning to lip read? If so how!?
Or BSL? Will my hearing continue to get worse and I go deaf? I mean I’ve never had an injury or anything to potentially cause the hearing lose?

Hints and tips welcome 😁 as I’m sure I’m not the only fetchie with aids!

The nurse seemed to think running with them would be fine … I’ve always taken them off for fear or sweat damaging them! Same with cycling…. Have you found a work around? Perhaps playing with settings in the app?

Jan 2023
1:17pm, 20 Jan 2023
21,181 posts
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I'm lucky enough not to have hearing problems (and I appreciate it's just luck) but it's cool you are so open about it - and a great idea to start a thread.

Hope there's lot of discussion - will help good hearers understand better, too! xxxx
Jan 2023
1:22pm, 20 Jan 2023
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Sam Jelfs
Hi, I don't have hearing issues, but I did spend some time working on hearing loss and my PhD is in psychoacoustics...

EP - is your hearing loss due to presbycusis or another reason? It is really hard to predict how far your loss will deteriorate, but even with severe HL you should be able to have HAs that allow for day-to-day living and communication.
Jan 2023
1:22pm, 20 Jan 2023
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Sorry to read this Pix. My mum and my wife are both starting to lose hearing. My mum's hearing aids seem to be very ineffectual. I don't know if she can get better ones, but as she's 86 I don't think we're worrying about it too much! But will def hope that as my wife, or I, need them, there are good ones.

All the best, :-) G
Jan 2023
1:29pm, 20 Jan 2023
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Have you a family history of hearing loss, Pix?
Jan 2023
3:02pm, 20 Jan 2023
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Angus Clydesdale
My Grandad and his sisters all became very deaf in their old age. My Mum is in her 80s and has struggled for more than a decade now, but largely due to intransigence and denial on her part. Having spent a good number of years riding motorbikes and also exposed to gun shot noises, albeit protected by passive ear defenders of varying quality, and allied to genetic probability I expect that I'll need some assistance at some point. Fortunately not right now.

We were at the V&A in Dundee last week and they had a display of technology assisting an aging population. One of the saddest stories was of a woman who only realised her hearing was going when she noticed she could no longer hear the birds singing whilst walking in her favourite woodland. :(
Jan 2023
3:05pm, 20 Jan 2023
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Angus Clydesdale
My neighbour is in his 70s and he's been very deaf for about 20 years. The medics think it 's likely due to exposure to the nasty chemicals in sheep dip, back in the bad old days before proper PPE became de rigeur on the farm. Who could possibly have known?!
Jan 2023
4:16pm, 20 Jan 2023
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*watches thread*
There is a history of hearing issues in my mother's family (and she suffered). I feel I am definitely going downhill - my right ear is significantly worse than my left. I am not in denial about it all.

I struggle with hearing in places with background noise, and find it much easier to watch films (especially if a lot of background noise) if I turn the subtitles on. People wearing masks has made me realise how much I rely on lip reading.

I went to specsavers to get a free test, but my ear was so full of wax she couldn't do it. She instead removed the wax for me. She was convinced that that was the issue, but it's made absolutely no difference whatsoever to my hearing in that ear.
Jan 2023
5:19pm, 20 Jan 2023
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Thanks for the warm welcome!

Velociraptor nope I'm alone in the crap hearing!

Apart from falling of horses a few times as a kid kid (nothing serious no concussion!) aware of any injuries

I first had 1 hearing aid then 2 then tweaked about 3 years ago. Both got worse but right got a lot more

I realised I was asking people to repeat stuff and if I still couldn't work out what they said I was guessing! Or walking up to them when in the office

Without my aids everything is dull and muffled. I don't hear husband's alarm in the morning or the wind or rain on the bedroom window at night and often wonder if I would hear the smoke detectors but I think they are a high enough pitch
Jan 2023
6:42pm, 20 Jan 2023
39,627 posts
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Sam Jelfs I have no idea why my hearing has failed!

As a kid and teenager I never went to very loud concerts or played loud music
No one in my family that I know if has had issues (not many left!)
I've only worked in an office or call center

So at a lose

Will look at lip reading

About This Thread

Maintained by EvilPixie
I’ve had hearing aids for several years and I’ve just had a reassessment.

My hearing is worse. And getting closer to the moderate severe range.

Obviously whilst there I had no questions but now I do!

I now have shiny new Bluetooth aids 😁

As my hearing has deteriorated should I consider learning to lip read? If so how!?
Or BSL? Will my hearing continue to get worse and I go deaf? I mean I’ve never had an injury or anything to potentially cause the hearing lose?

Hints an...
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