Jan 2023
8:37am, 21 Jan 2023
9,064 posts
Surrey Phil
I have attended two Deaf Awareness courses tutored by a guy who does BSL on some BBC programmes. Very interesting particularly with regards to lip reading. Something which I really could not do. He gave tips such as do not speak to a deaf person while eating and not to stand with your back to bright lights so to appear in silhouette.
I have learned Makaton which is generally aimed at children and adults who are deaf or have learning disabilities. I find this much easier to use than BSL as the sentence structure is as you say it. Even though the signs are the same, I just can't get my head around BSL when my deaf colleague and her interpreter are signing.
A lot of places run Makaton taster sessions so you could go along to see how you get on. A lot of signs are actually pretty obvious. If I asked you to sign telephone and car, for example. I know you will have done them correctly without actually seeing you do them.
Jan 2023
8:46am, 21 Jan 2023
39,640 posts
I’ll look at that!
Jan 2023
8:49am, 21 Jan 2023
26,067 posts
Angus Clydesdale
….and often wonder if I would hear the smoke detectors but I think they are a high enough pitch When I was in the fire brigade we used to fit specially designed smoke detectors which sent a signal to a vibrating pad under your pillow. We did it free of charge if folks were referred to us by the local hearing charity. Something to file away for future reference.
Jan 2023
9:39am, 21 Jan 2023
17,320 posts
JK *chameleon*
I have nothing to offer here, but going to watch closely as I strongly suspect that housemate is on the path towards hearing loss. He always has the TV volume on far higher than it needs to be, and regularly doesn't hear me, claiming I mumble. He's due for some hearing tests - but keeps rearranging them...
Jan 2023
12:34pm, 21 Jan 2023
2,185 posts
For years my mother suspected that Dad was going mutt and jeff, as she kept having to repeat things to him after getting no reaction or "eh, what's that?" first time round. She eventually badgered him into getting his hearing tested. The results showed he was fine.
Which I knew would be the case because whenever I put the kettle on he would appear magically from a room the other side of the house, mug in hand. And the phrase "fancy a pint, Dad?" never went unremarked ...
Jan 2023
12:34pm, 21 Jan 2023
39,648 posts
Jan 2023
12:42pm, 21 Jan 2023
9,066 posts
Surrey Phil
I used to work with someone who always answered "What?" to everything. His hearing was fine and he probably wasn't deep in concentration either.
My dad and father-in-law both wear hearing aids as a result of being slightly hard of hearing. Mother-in-law often asks me to repeat things but that is probably down to not listening.
Jan 2023
1:05pm, 21 Jan 2023
98,284 posts
My friend's father acts deaf. On purpose! He has done it all his life. He also says WAH??? to everything he does show a feint interest in. The man drives me bonkers!!! He just stares into thin air as if he has dementia, which he has not either, and has very selective hearing... He always turns his back to you when you talk to him too!
Jan 2023
1:07pm, 21 Jan 2023
98,285 posts
I do have problems hearing and talk loudly as a result. I had my ears tested years ago and there was nothing wring, just the tinnitus getting in the way. It is particularly loud right now. Any suggestions as to how to turn that off or down appreciated. I know some people wear hearing aids to cope with it...
Jan 2023
3:09pm, 23 Jan 2023
39,714 posts
today I realised that my keyboard clicks when I press keys! oh and the fire alarm isn't just loud it's BLOODY loud!