Help! Suggestions of how to earn money while undergoing cancer treatment!

13 watchers
Apr 2023
10:25am, 4 Apr 2023
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Whilst I was having treatment my meds came direct from the hospital. Afterwards they come via the GP and I had the prescription exception. My nurse gave it to me in the clinic. I didn't even know I could have one.
Apr 2023
10:57am, 4 Apr 2023
101,702 posts
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Thanks SS, very helpful :)
May 2023
4:19pm, 4 May 2023
5,523 posts
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Just dropped into the end of this thread. Could you take on anyone visiting as a B&B? Could you get people to help out in the garden and sheds whilst learning about what you grow and sell and possibly pay for the learning?
May 2023
6:12pm, 4 May 2023
103,158 posts
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B&B is out of the question: I live in a totally open plan chapel and my bedroom is on the mezzanine with no spare rooms. I am too ill to decamp to a tent! Or make people breakfasts.
However, I have been trying to find an apprentice to help me look after my garden while I teach them the ropes.
I have also been told I am eligible for a further benefit 🤞
Nov 2023
4:02pm, 17 Nov 2023
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Sending you lots of positive vibes during this tough time. Earning while undergoing treatment might seem challenging, but have you considered exploring avenues like making money on Audible ( )? If you enjoy books or narration, it could be a rewarding way to earn from home. Remember, your health comes first, but finding ways to keep a financial flow might also bring some positivity.

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So today I got a letter from the Job Centre after my ESA application.
I am really very ill with metastasised ovarian cancer. Too ill to start chemo on Tuesday.
However, they think I am fit for work. I can apparently work in a garden centre. If I don't I have to come in weekly for job applications and CV coaching.
I told them I run my own business and if I could, I would work in that.
I told them I cannot drive.
I verified they know where I live.
I have to take the bus. It is a 7 mile ...

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