Help! Suggestions of how to earn money while undergoing cancer treatment!

13 watchers
Apr 2023
4:16pm, 1 Apr 2023
101,528 posts
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So today I got a letter from the Job Centre after my ESA application.
I am really very ill with metastasised ovarian cancer. Too ill to start chemo on Tuesday.
However, they think I am fit for work. I can apparently work in a garden centre. If I don't I have to come in weekly for job applications and CV coaching.
I told them I run my own business and if I could, I would work in that.
I told them I cannot drive.
I verified they know where I live.
I have to take the bus. It is a 7 mile walk to the busstop!
There is one busa day into Hereford!
I despair!
As I haven't had any income for 2 months now, I am out of overdraft. I need some suggestions as to how to earn money.
I thought about selling the car, but then I could never find or afford one down the line and without public transport, I would have to cycle everywhere which currently isn't an option...
Apr 2023
4:18pm, 1 Apr 2023
41,933 posts
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I’d your internet strong enough to do anything online?
Could you perhaps do an online meditation course?
Apr 2023
4:19pm, 1 Apr 2023
41,934 posts
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Is obviously stupid autocorrect
Apr 2023
4:25pm, 1 Apr 2023
101,529 posts
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As in teach it?
Sadly, no, internet is very poorly.
I am about to go to mt Herb Building and teach Teddy a yoga class...
If I can, that is the way forwards... Teach when I can drum up the energy. But post surgery I won't be able to do anything! For 2 months...

I have been thinking to write all this up into a number of columns and try pitch them with a paper or magazine...
Apr 2023
4:30pm, 1 Apr 2023
30,110 posts
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It seems outrageous to me that you're being expected to try to continue working during your treatment. Could you get some help and support from charities? I've just quickly googled and found the Macmillan website. Here's a link....

There's a support help line and mention of support grants. Looks like the grants are means tested so I don't know if they're relevant to you but at least it might be another avenue for getting advice.
Apr 2023
4:37pm, 1 Apr 2023
41,935 posts
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100% what Ness says it’s horrendous

Yes I was thinking teaching but I thought you had mentioned poor internet…. I was thinking it could be a sit down job as such

I’d be careful pushing to teach yoga but going forward maybe you could think about something for cancer patients from your experience?
Apr 2023
4:43pm, 1 Apr 2023
10,937 posts
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Fragile Do Not Bend
Oh Hanneke, I had no idea you were so ill. No advice but hugs and best wishes x
Apr 2023
4:54pm, 1 Apr 2023
101,530 posts
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Ness I had help from McMillan. They helped me apply for ESA. I have successfully gained the only other thing I am entitled to: council tax exemption. That saves £120/month. Very helpful.
I am going to ask the oncologist if she thinks I am fit for work and if not, if she can write a letter to that extent so I can fight this decision...

Not that £77/week is going to pay the bills!!!
Apr 2023
4:56pm, 1 Apr 2023
101,531 posts
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I will apply for the one off£350 grant from Mcmillan which isn't means tested. It is for costs you have to make because of your diagnosis like taxis and bigger clothes. I have swollen up from a size 10 to a size 16 and don't fit in my clothes!!! So wearing pj bottoms and a gardening smock... Bit embarassing!
Apr 2023
4:57pm, 1 Apr 2023
41,936 posts
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Hugs hann

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So today I got a letter from the Job Centre after my ESA application.
I am really very ill with metastasised ovarian cancer. Too ill to start chemo on Tuesday.
However, they think I am fit for work. I can apparently work in a garden centre. If I don't I have to come in weekly for job applications and CV coaching.
I told them I run my own business and if I could, I would work in that.
I told them I cannot drive.
I verified they know where I live.
I have to take the bus. It is a 7 mile ...

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