Jul 2023
10:38pm, 23 Jul 2023
107,077 posts
Message from my friend: She can be asked to be referred to Psychiatry-Uk as part of her right to choose, they will agree a shared care pathway with her GP. Psy-uk has all the details in their website. Good luck
Aug 2023
11:24am, 23 Aug 2023
2,076 posts
Anyone got good advice on sensible training adjustments when starting on adhd meds? Concerta 18mg fwiw.
Oct 2023
12:40pm, 1 Oct 2023
2,078 posts
Surprised not more chatter in this thread. Is it still taboo / stigma?
36mg now, small changes happening that I think count as progress. Training still on back burner really.
8 Sep
12:07am, 8 Sep 2024
2,358 posts
Meds didn't affect my training other than positively to help with consistency. I lost weight. I have stopped meds due to side effects. I have gained weight. I'm more mindful of the fog that causes interruptons to training so consistency has mostly remained but a few more blips. I might start different meds, tbc.
I have OCD traits too, one of which is around pre-race prep. Tonight I've been going in circles with multiple lines of thoughts / tasks and am now left with <5.5 hrs sleep window ahead of race alarm tomorrow but my mind is still firing on all cylinders.
Fistbump to all who experience similar. Upto 1 in 5 people they reckon now.