Wot? Pardon? Do you have hearing problems?!?!

16 watchers
Jan 2023
3:23pm, 23 Jan 2023
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My dad is deaf and learnt to lip read via free courses through the local deaf association. Worth looking in to your local area Pix.
Jan 2023
3:26pm, 23 Jan 2023
39,715 posts
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I had a look on RNID but will see if I can find something local thanks
Jan 2023
4:58pm, 23 Jan 2023
98,430 posts
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I would say lipreading is a mighty useful skill, regardless of deafness! It would help me when the tinnitus is bad. Hmmmm...
Jan 2023
7:50pm, 23 Jan 2023
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Sam Jelfs
EvilPixie I studied BSL with Derby adult education some years ago, was really cheap and quite interesting to learn. Depending on how far you are from Derby I do know someone who is deaf (with a little 'd' *), but who is involved with the d/Deaf community in Derby and might be able to point to some resources for you. Remember that BSL has strong dialects in the same way as English does, so best to learn in the community where you might want to use it later.

[* big D Deaf are people who consider themselves to be part of the Deaf community / culturally Deaf, and for who sign language is their first language and English might be considered a second language. Little d deaf are generally people who have significant hearing loss later in life and can speak / read like a hearing person... ]
Jan 2023
8:17pm, 23 Jan 2023
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Surrey Phil
There are some regional ones out there. The one that springs to mind is 'mummy.' As a Makaton user, it's two taps of the M sign (middle three fingers on the other three fingers). My work colleague would sign by tapping the forehead twice with three fingers.
Jan 2023
8:20pm, 23 Jan 2023
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Sam you’ve reminded me someone I did teacher training with went on to work at a deaf school in Derby!
Jan 2023
8:29pm, 23 Jan 2023
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Lip Gloss
I too have aids but know my hearing is getting worse and am waiting for a test but the waiting time is so long.
I’m finding I now turn them up a bit more. Cause I work in a GP surgery often the conversations are low and I struggle especially since we are still wearing masks.

I do need to facing someone if they are talking to me. I’m not necessarily lip reading but it means I can concentrate on what the person is saying.
Totally no use in a crowd.
Jan 2023
8:36pm, 23 Jan 2023
39,726 posts
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^^ that!
I hate going out for team meals for example as I just can't keep up with the conversation at all

I was added to the list last May and got a cancellation last week
Jan 2023
8:46pm, 23 Jan 2023
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I hadn't realised until Covid and mask wearing how much I rely on being able to see a face!

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About This Thread

Maintained by EvilPixie
I’ve had hearing aids for several years and I’ve just had a reassessment.

My hearing is worse. And getting closer to the moderate severe range.

Obviously whilst there I had no questions but now I do!

I now have shiny new Bluetooth aids 😁

As my hearing has deteriorated should I consider learning to lip read? If so how!?
Or BSL? Will my hearing continue to get worse and I go deaf? I mean I’ve never had an injury or anything to potentially cause the hearing lose?

Hints an...

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