Jul 2019
9:06pm, 29 Jul 2019
11,345 posts
No wonder dogs have managed to inveigle themselves into every corner of our lives, too clever by half
Jul 2019
9:40pm, 29 Jul 2019
2,292 posts
Our standard short walk comes back up through the churchyard along a path of granite chips. Frankie the Shihtzu cross doesn't like these so walks very slowly whilst Ollie the Springer is perfectly happy to go on ahead pulling on the end of the lead. There is a gate half.way up the churchyard with a grass path paraĺlel to the granite path. I've taken to going through that gate with Frankie as he'll walk faster. Realised the last few days that if I'm only walking Ollie then he (ahead of me so no cues) will walk straight up the path, but if I have both of them then Ollie (again ahead of me so no cues) will automatically turn in at the gate and take the grass path.
Jul 2019
9:45pm, 29 Jul 2019
33,199 posts
Derby Tup
D2 inveigle is a truly great work in relation to what our canine pals do
Jul 2019
11:09pm, 29 Jul 2019
11,346 posts
Jul 2019
9:23am, 30 Jul 2019
6,424 posts
Jet is fed his (dried food) dinner at 6pm. Although he will often start his 'feed me' campaign at any time from 4.30pm onwards (lest we forget) he knows that he isn't going to be fed before the designated time.
So far so good.
Yesterday I was absorbed in something and was only vaguely aware of the time. Until 5.58pm when I found a dog nose backed up by a very hard stare less than half an inch from my nose.
I wondered how he can be so accurate and then realised there are cues - in this case I think it was the background theme music to Pointless.
Jul 2019
9:26am, 30 Jul 2019
3,803 posts
Alice the Camel
That’s impressive, Helegant!
Jul 2019
11:18am, 30 Jul 2019
33,210 posts
Derby Tup
I make breakfast coffee everyday for me and Stef. Tuss will sometimes lie in his basket til the second I go up with it and then charge up with me for cuddles with Stef. If I make two coffees in the day and we are say in the lounge he’ll go upstairs out of habit
Jul 2019
3:51pm, 30 Jul 2019
7,757 posts
Wanda has a 'bedtime biscuits' routine - which as with Jet and the Pointless theme if she is downstairs and hasn't had them she 'asks' for them when she hears the end of the 10pm news and the local news bulletin music. In those circumstances she is quite happy to have a handful of kibble and take herself off outside for a comfort break before bed. However - if she has decided she would prefer to sleep upstairs and already taken herself upstairs to bed there is a sliding scale of how much she wants to sleep upstairs (and presumably related to whether she feels she needs to go outside too). On those occasions, bedtime biscuits and a fishy (a dried sprat) sometimes does the trick but if she is really settled upstairs and that doesn't work a little piece of cheese has to be added in too. At which point shutting all doors downstairs so she can't get back upstairs is usually required too! She also watches me make my bedtime hot drink and presses herself against the kitchen door in the hope of going back upstairs - but I can usually out-smart her on that!
Jul 2019
5:29pm, 30 Jul 2019
33,212 posts
Derby Tup
* dog*
Jul 2019
7:01pm, 30 Jul 2019
27,402 posts
Dogs definitely recognise 'music'. Lizzie, our first, used to head off to bed when she heard the 'bongs' of the News At Ten