Woof! Bark! And also Whiiiiiiiiiine.

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Oct 2018
1:16pm, 8 Oct 2018
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Have you tried the "nothing interesting over there, oooh look, chicken" type of distractions? (I think it's called world watching)
Oct 2018
1:42pm, 8 Oct 2018
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Dougal can also be macho with other "macho" dogs. I tell him to get over himself (well more like "OI shut up"), and the pattern is the same , he sees them coming, starts dragging me towards a "confrontation", thankfully the other owners are equally embarrassed about their own dogs behavior too, so we're normally joking about "too much testosterone" and "typical angry males". I hadn't considered that getting him the snip might help. It's usually the big frightening dogs he does this to, and he actually tends to try and get out of the area once he's he made his point. It's like growl, bark and run.
Oct 2018
2:08pm, 8 Oct 2018
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There is a Facebook Group called Reactive Dogs UK which has quite a lot of helpful info. Membership of it can be a bit of a full on 'acquired taste' experience (which is the politest way I can think of putting it) but for all the things about it that irritate the hell out of me there can be useful stuff too!
Oct 2018
3:09pm, 8 Oct 2018
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Ernie is exactly the same age as Indi and I have not checked the undercarriage of the dogs but I think they are all male. None of them are big and scary at all to be honest. I'll have a look BBL - I hate to think of him as a reactive dog. I blame the aggressive JRT but that might be unfair.
Oct 2018
3:20pm, 8 Oct 2018
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I may have written about Indi's "adventures" with other males.... I found it was a male on male thing, I didn't like it and found it quite scary!

There is of course a place for distraction techniques but if a dog takes a dislike and is off lead I have found there is no way of distracting them from a fight.

I always kept Indi on a lead but you never know what male dog is round the next corner. Some people are ambivalent about there dogs having a scrap but I'm not one of them.

It hasn't happened to Indi again since he was castrated. I don't think yours is a reactive dog or he would have been that from the beginning.
Oct 2018
4:47pm, 8 Oct 2018
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Jet stopped being attacked by other dogs (some were elderly females) when he was castrated.
Oct 2018
2:06pm, 9 Oct 2018
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Dogs AND running (and a world class athlete.)

Oct 2018
8:04pm, 11 Oct 2018
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Introducing Hattie :-)
Oct 2018
8:07pm, 11 Oct 2018
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She looks gorgeous 😊
Oct 2018
8:13pm, 11 Oct 2018
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Went to meet her today. She's very sweet of course, and it's hard to imagine Flossie was once that small!

One thing shocked me, however. She's already been spayed (keyhole)!!! The breeder didn't discuss this with them but presented it as a fait accompli, apparently because the Australian Labradoodle Association insists on it being so early in puppies which will not be bred from. I'll be honest, this puts me right off the breeder but a bit of googling suggests this is standard for this mixed breed. I can see that the breeding lines are carefully considered and it prevents puppy farming or random cross-breeding, but still... Our vet has always recommended letting a bitch have one season.

Anyway, Hattie was full of beans and I think she'll be a lovely pet for them. They're besotted with her :-)

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