Oct 2020
9:50pm, 13 Oct 2020
2,084 posts
Looks like I've reached my multiplayer limit this week - I don't have the time to compete with what some of you are doing and all this talk of targets and tactics is pushing me over the edge. Each to their own etc. but I'll never be that competitive
I'll stick to the 1v1 - where DocM and I are doing quite well in a combined effort to turn the world to cake - and see where 'just going out for a daily run (directed by my fetchpoint bug) and an occasional walk' gets me
Oct 2020
10:21pm, 13 Oct 2020
3,800 posts
mr d
Did you get the square Gambrinus?
Oct 2020
10:34pm, 13 Oct 2020
772 posts
Same here CumbriAndy. I took the wife to a hospital appointment yesterday afternoon and today, work and rain got in the way and I'm already 10 points behind in most squares - time to give runnerbean some opposition in the 1:1
Oct 2020
11:14pm, 13 Oct 2020
19,882 posts
Probably the end of the day for my squares, and I own 10 and am drawn on 15 with maximum points.
Oct 2020
11:24pm, 13 Oct 2020
47 posts
Don't know mr. d. My interweb or watch is playing up and can't upload at the moment!
Oct 2020
8:34am, 14 Oct 2020
11,901 posts
Lovely run this morning I was wide awake at 5.30 but thought too soon it’s too dark for the route I planned. Talked to myself about getting up and working for an hour then heading out and woke up over an hour later 😂
But a good square haul and lots of cake so may have to go out for a pick up later.
Oct 2020
8:50am, 14 Oct 2020
17,889 posts
I awoke at 05:58 and went to switch off the 06:00am alarm so that Mrs Axe wasn't awoken only to find I hadn't actually set the alarm and had risked missing my morning cycle round my squares
Oct 2020
8:56am, 14 Oct 2020
304 posts
Yay.... been waiting all lockdown for a pool near me to open and have finally achieved this....
I normally have the University of Stirling pool in my WSW home square but it still hasn’t re-opened, so I opted for a grid move that then included The Peak sports centre 😀.
Oct 2020
9:17am, 14 Oct 2020
11,905 posts
Fantastic SooWoo!!
Oct 2020
9:25am, 14 Oct 2020
231 posts
Well done SooWoo!